Amongst all the Sigils you can get in Granblue Fantasy Relink, the Supplementary Damage Sigil is certainly a must-have. Not only does it give you an additional damage bonus, but it also exceeds the damage cap for weapons and characters in the game.
Where To Get Supplementary Damage Sigil In Granblue Fantasy Relink?

You can get the Supplementary Damage Sigil as a reward for trading in Curios at Zathba’s Appraisals inside the Bar in Seedhollow. The only catch is that these Sigils will be completely random, and you will have to depend on luck to get the Supplementary Damage one.
Note: Curios are endgame items that have a 100% drop rate in both Proud and Maniac quest modes.
Another method to get your desired Sigils is to complete a few Extreme and Maniac quests in hopes of farming both Curios and the Supplementary Damage Sigil. You can turn auto-battle on for these quests and AFK-farm tons of drops from them.
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The Supplementary Damage Sigil can be leveled up to 45, which increases the chance of activating additional damage done by your character to 100%. However, do keep in mind that some of the Granblue Fantasy Relink crewmates do have their own supplementary damage skills and do not need a sigil for activating bonus damage.
If you want to make this sigil even more powerful, I’d suggest upgrading it using your Black Dragon Scale.