The Best Spider-Man Games Of All Time

By Manodeep Mukherjee

December 18, 2023

Spider-Man: The Video Game

This 1991 Arcade game was one of the best superhero games of the time with famed Spider-Man villains that you had to slay through 16 levels.

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This PS1 game at the turn of the millennium brought Spider-Man to 3D and upped the standards for superhero games once and for all.

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Ultimate Spider-Man

A testament to Treyarch's creative pedigree, this game had a cel-shaded world that captured its comicbook roots like nothing else at the time.

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Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

This 2010 game features four Spider-Mans voiced by four reputed actors, and a more linear progression through its amazing story.

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Spider-Man 2

This 2004 game from Treyarch was the pinnacle of licensed game for at least a decade to come. And that’s saying something about the quality of it.

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Marvel's Spider-Man

Insomniac slinged their way to the top with this title on PS4 in 2018, and the scale and scope of the game world here really sets this game apart.

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Spider-Man: Miles Morales

You can find this cute yet giant pup statue north of Battery Park at the southern tip of Manhattan. 

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The latest entry in Insomniac’s series is this 2023 hit which features both Peter Parker and Miles Morales with amazing story beats and a mastercrafted city.

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Did You Know?

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has a total of 71 suits and styles! Read more to know how to unlock them all.