By Santosh Kumari
January 25, 2024
This will help you achieve more experience in the earlier phase of the game.
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You can reach seemingly difficult heights and terrain by climbing. All you need is some energy, so keep your character well-fed.
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As you explore the diverse terrains of Palpagos Islands, you and your pals need food to keep the hunger meter charged.
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You want to do this as early in the game as possible. Doing so keeps your Pals occupied while you are away and constantly increases your resources.
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Collecting resources can become a tedious task. Sometimes it's just better to buy the item from Traders.
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The damage points increase considerably if you attack a sleeping Pal. You can also test your luck by directly throwing a Pal Sphere at the resting creature.
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It is a certified technique. This will give you additional bonus and increase your chances of capturing the pal.
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After unlocking the Monitoring Stand, you can access the labor your pals should be doing. Do not exert more pressure on a Pal than it can handle or it will go insane.
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Pal Soul is a rare item and should be invested on selective pals, otherwise it will not create much of a difference.
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Doing this increases the weight capacity and you can easily carry more resources.
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Image Credit: Google