Top 10 Palworld Tips & Tricks

By Santosh Kumari

January 25, 2024

Capture Ten Of Every Pal Species

This will help you achieve more experience in the earlier phase of the game.

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Make Use Of The Climbing Feature

You can reach seemingly difficult heights and terrain by climbing. All you need is some energy, so keep your character well-fed.

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Always Carry Food

As you explore the diverse terrains of Palpagos Islands, you and your pals need food to keep the hunger meter charged.

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Build Lumbering And Stone Station

You want to do this as early in the game as possible. Doing so keeps your Pals occupied while you are away and constantly increases  your resources.

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Buy From Traders

Collecting resources can become a tedious task. Sometimes it's just better to buy the item from Traders.

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Attack Pals When They Are Asleep

The damage points increase considerably if you attack a sleeping Pal. You can also test your luck by directly throwing a Pal Sphere at the resting creature.

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Throw Pal Spheres At The Back Of Pals

It is a certified technique. This will give you additional bonus and increase your chances of capturing the pal.

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Don't Overwork Your Pals

After unlocking the Monitoring Stand, you can access the labor your pals should be doing. Do not exert more pressure on a Pal than it can handle or it will go insane. 

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Only Invest Pal Souls In Selective Pals

Pal Soul is a rare item and should be invested on selective pals, otherwise it will not create much of a difference.

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Use Heavy Pals 

Doing this increases the weight capacity and you can easily carry more resources. 

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Need More Helpful Palworld Tricks?

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