No Rest for the Wicked features an item durability system that is relentless and unforgiving. As you use your gear more and whenever you die, your items deteriorate. Eventually, they’ll run out of durability entirely, meaning you can’t use them at all or they aren’t at maximum power. To avoid this from happening, you need to repair your gear, which isn’t a feature available from the start in No Rest for the Wicked.
Repairing Items in No Rest for the Wicked
Luckily, the repair system in No Rest for the Wicked opens up to you shortly after the game begins. When you wash up on the beach and start exploring the Shallows, you can come across an NPC named Fillmore. Fillmore is located in the Mariner’s Keep region, which is due east of the Shallows and where you started.
Fillmore is initially surrounded by three enemies past a closed door, so you’ll have to open the door and defeat all three enemies before you can speak to him. The area Fillmore is in has a large red rug on the ground and a fire burning brightly, so it’s hard to miss as long as you’re searching the map diligently.

Once the enemies are dispatched, speak to Fillmore and he’ll say that he can repair your items for free. This includes all of your equipped items as well as any item in your inventory. To repair an item, simply speak to Fillmore, go to the “Repair” tab, and press on one of the available options. After that’s done, your gear will have a full durability bar again, allowing you to take advantage of their highest possible stats.

Fillmore won’t always stay in that location, though, as he meets up with you at a future Cerim Whisper location. This is near Warrick the Torn, the first major boss of the game. Fillmore operates the same here as he did originally, so just speak with him to repair your items at no charge.
You are also able to buy and sell gear and other resources from Fillmore, so he’s a particularly good resource to have early on in No Rest for the Wicked. As you progress in the game, more and more blacksmiths will become available who can also repair your items and have gear for sale. But Fillmore is the first and best option you have when just starting out.
For more No Rest for the Wicked, check out our dedicated page on the game.