At GamesHorizon, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate, unbiased, and transparent video game news, reviews, and guides. Our journalists and gaming specialists strive to inform the community with high-quality content of the highest ethical standards.
Core Values
Expertise: Sticking to our commitment of publishing content that is “for gamers, by gamers”, we ensure every writer on the team is a proven video game specialist.
Accuracy: We strive to present information that is well-sourced and verifiable to avoid factual inaccuracies.
Fairness: Our reporters are committed to delivering all sides of a story in an objective and balanced manner that is free of personal opinions or biases. Opinion pieces are clearly labelled to avoid misinformation or misinterpretation.
Impartiality: Our editors ensure all content on the website is free from any bias or external influence. GamesHorizon does not endorse any specific games, developers, or publishers.
Transparency: We are open about our sources (except when they request confidentiality). Any kind of sales affiliation and sponsorship is clearly disclosed to the reader.
Editorial Guidelines
Fact-checking: Our editors and sub-editors use multiple sources to corroborate facts before publication.
Attribution: All copyrighted content published on our website is properly attributed.
Language: Our team strives to use clear, concise, and professional language appropriate for our audience.
Sensitivity: We promote inclusivity and strictly forbid the use of offensive or discriminatory language.
Corrections: Any errors in our published content, should they occur, are promptly corrected and labelled as such.
Conflicts of interest: We will disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect our reporting.
Gifts and favors: We take pride in our journalistic integrity and as such do not accept gifts or favors from game publishers or developers.
Plagiarism: GamesHorizon has a zero-tolerance policy against plagiarized and rehashed content. All articles published on our website are completely original,
Confidentiality: We do not reveal sources who request to remain anonymous.
We welcome feedback from our readers. Please contact us at [email] with any comments or concerns.
This editorial policy will be reviewed and revised on an annual basis or as needed.