Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a big game with multiple endings. The complexity of those final moments isn’t evident when you face the boss the first time. But there is more to the game than meets the eye. You just have to know how to bring it all about. That’s what this Dragon’s Dogma 2 guide, which is filled with spoilers, tells you.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Start on the Path to the True Ending
As the true Sovran, your duty is to face off against the dragon. The battle between the Arisen and the dragon has taken place many times. But this time around, it can end differently than anyone expects, if you want it to. To start on the path to the true ending, you must betray both the dragon and the entity who has guided you from the game’s opening moments.
The game’s “normal” ending sequence may catch you by surprise. It surprised me, certainly. One minute, I was working my way through a story quest called The Guardian Gigantus. The next thing I knew, I found myself doing battle with the huge dragon that had been my nemesis throughout the game. I had chosen poorly without knowing I even had a choice.
So, let’s back things up just a bit. It’s a good time to examine how to execute the “final” moments in a way that allows you to access a challenging new portion of the game and start working your way toward its true ending.
Heading Past the Point of No Return
The game does a pretty good job of directing you toward all endings, right up until the point you begin what seems like the final proper quest. The Guardian Gigantus quest represents the point of no return.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Offer Hugo Guidance in Off the Pilfered Path
Before you kick off that rush to the end, you will clear a quest called A New Godsway. That quest finds you gathering 15 wyrmslife crystals. Do not complete the A New Godsway quest until you are ready to head into the initial endgame. You’ll only limit your options. Instead, tend to any side quests that interest you. Most of them won’t be available for much longer. I still had dozens of quests I hadn’t touched.
Once you are ready to kick things off, let the game walk you through completing A New Godsway. As you clear that quest, a giant automaton named Talos emerges from the sea to Battahl’s east. You then can use the Empowered Godsbane Blade to open some stone doors south of the city. From there, you should chase the monstrosity along the coast and try to destroy it before it reaches its destination: Moonglint Tower.
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter whether you bring down Talos. If you don’t complete that task, Battahl’s soldiers will. You can aid the effort and get XP rewards for doing so, or leave the giant to its rampage.
One way or another, you’ll eventually make your way to Moonglint Tower. Make sure to spend 2000 G to sleep in the inn at the base of the tower before you ascend it. That way, you have a recent point you can return to if needed. When you do reach the top of the tower, you’ll find Phaesus. He tries to break the cycle. His minions battle you while Phaesus summons a powerful dragon. Surviving this battle for a set period of time initiates the Legacy quest, which is when you make your pivotal choice.
Slaying a Dragon the Right Way
Shortly after the Legacy quest begins, the dragon presents you with your first choice. You can walk away and surrender the life of an NPC you have shown you love. Or, you can stay and fight. This first choice isn’t especially important. To keep the game going in a useful direction, you have to fight. Just step forward and attack the dragon’s claws.
When you show you are up for a fight, the dragon has you ride on its back to the true battle area. This is a slow ride. The dragon talks to you as you fly through the air. The ride on the dragon’s back is the moment when you make your vital choice.
To see a “normal” ending, simply let the dragon talk until it drops you off at the floor of an arena. Then, you and your pawns slay the beast. This can be a challenging fight, as you might expect. The dragon is huge. Its only real weak point is its heart. Hammer away at it until it is stunned. Then use the available ballista to fire an arrow at its exposed weak point. Repeat as needed until you win. But that’s not the true ending.
To start on the path to the true ending, you must betray the dragon while it is giving you a ride to the battle arena. It is not obvious at first that this approach is even an option. You will find that you can crawl along the dragon’s back, toward its shoulders. Then, crawl around its shoulders toward its underbelly and chest. You might be worried that you’ll fall, but that doesn’t happen. Instead, you should find a gaping wound. Crawl right over the top of that wound. Then, access your inventory. From the inventory screen, access and Use the Empowered Godsbane Blade. You will have to specify that you wish to use it on yourself by pressing the button indicated on-screen.
When you use the Empowered Godsbane Blade while in position over the dragon’s heart, a scene follows. Your actions initiate the first in a series of new quests that will carry you toward the game’s true ending. Hopefully, you’re ready for the challenges that lie ahead.