Assassin’s Creed Mirage brings you back to the early life of Basim before he had his deadly skills and was a Hidden One. You start your journey with one of the very first missions- A New Beginning where Master Roshan’s training and set of tasks lead you to find an individual known as Fuladh.
While the training itself is quite easy and teaches you the basic controls of the game, locating your objectives can be tough. Now you must be wondering where this Fuladh person is and how you even locate him. Don’t worry, we have got you covered, here’s the complete walkthrough.
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A New Beginning Mission Location in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

The A New Beginning quest starts right after the end of “The Master Thief of Anbar” where we find Basim fleeing from the soldiers in Anbar and leaping into the water. The cutscene continues to show Basim, now in Alamut two months after the Anbar incident.
Once you are out of the water you will get a prompt that tells you to continue your training under Roshan which indicates that the mission has already started.
How To Complete A New Beginning Quest In Assassin’s Creed Mirage?
To complete A New Beginning, you need to finish Roshan’s training and aid your fellow assassins in various duties around Alamut. This will help Basim to become a full-fledged Assassin and join his peers for a spot amongst the Hidden Ones. Here are the detailed steps for this mission:
Practice The Leap of Faith

After a quick chat with Master Roshan, she instructs you to practice your leap of faith, a must-learn rite of passage for the Hidden Ones. You can climb your way up the rocky mountain with the game giving you keybind hints for this task.
Once you reach the top and walk up to the wooden beam, perform the Assassin’s Creed classic and jump right into the pile of hay below. Now all you have to do is follow Roshan and heed her conversation.
Follow Roshan
As you follow Roshan back to the training camp, she tells you about the importance of the leap of fate and how it is considered to be a sacred ritual to the Brotherhood. Finally, when you reach camp she tells you to find Fuladh and see if he needs your help.
Find Fuladh

To find Fuladh, you need to first speak to Tabid and ask for his location. Tabid will inform you that Fuladh is usually in his office most of the time. So, take the stairs to your right and follow the sun-like marker to find Fuladh’s office.
Once you reach his office a cutscene will trigger where Faludh will greet you and ask you to fetch some leather strips for Rebekah.
How To Find Fuladh In Assassin’s Creed Mirage
To find Fuladh in A New Beginning mission in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, take the stairs to the right of Tabid and follow along the path till you reach some climbable structures on the mountain. Climb up and follow the mission marker to find Fuladh’s office.
Find And Bring Leather Strips To Rebekah
You can find the leather strips in the storeroom near Fuladh’s office. You can use your Focus button to search for the strips quickly and take them to Rebekah. While you are searching and even delivering the leather strips, make sure to loot the area and collect notes you can find in the game.
Rebekah will then use those leather strips to make some new weapons for Basim’s training which you can take to the training grounds.
Basim will also eavesdrop on a heated conversation between Rayhan and a Tahirid Emissary during his storeroom search and get an idea of how Governor Muhammad plans to eradicate the rebels aiding Baghdad’s uprising.
Go To The Training Ground And Train With Roshan

While you are on your way to the training grounds, you can make a quick pit stop at the throwing knife station and practice your newly acquired skills. When you are satisfied with your practice, make your way to Roshan for some swordplay training.
Roshan will be standing at the top of the training camp and will start teaching you how to lock on to your opponents and perform light attacks. Follow them up with some heavy attacks, dodge, and parry incoming ones. Finally, spar with Roshan to conclude this training session.
Follow Nur And Go To The Watch Point
While you are engaging in some nightly story time with Rebekah, Ahmed, and Fuladh, Nur will appear and ask for help regarding his patrol duty. Follow him and reach the watch point to find the eagle Muhja flying towards something suspicious.
Investigate With Nur

Take the zipline right in front of the watch point and head towards Muhja’s direction to find some mercenaries from Baghdad. Use stealth or combat to take out the enemies and follow Nur to conclude the mission.
A few cinematic montages will indicate the end of the mission and show Basim’s gradual progression to finally becoming a trained Hidden One along with his friends in Alamut.
That’s it for the AC Mirage A New Beginning Mission Guide. You might be interested in your AC Mirage level up guide to power through the character progression.