In Baldur’s Gate 3, Paladin is arguably the best class for the ideal warrior build. Proficient in all aspects of physical combat, Paladins pack quite the punch with all the finesse of a highly-skilled swordsman. This class offers a great deal of versatility with many different paths to choose from as you progress.
Barring Minthara and a few others, Paladins are known to be noble warriors who have sworn various oaths to follow the path of the righteous. Paladin Subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3 offer variety depending on the oaths that define them. This is also one of only three classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 to have four or more subclasses, the other two being Cleric and Wizard.
Oath of Devotion

This Baldur’s Gate 3 Paladin subclass is for those that want to pursue the path of actual Knights in Shining Armour. Honor and Virtue are the watchwords for these Paladins and they will go to great ends to uphold their values. They live to protect the weak and the innocent. The Oath of Devotion grants Paladins the Holy Rebuke feature at level 1 which can be cast on allies. By using this action, an ally is protected by a ward that does 1d4 radiant damage to any enemies that attack with melee damage.
This subclass comes with several Oath Spells that are meant to protect your allies, grant them various buffs, and alter the course of a battle. Some Oath spells are also meant to apply debuffs on enemies.
Oath of Devotion also grants Paladins the unique feature Aura of Devotion which makes your character and any allies nearby immune to charm spells. This feature is permanent and can only be undone if your character becomes unconscious.
Oath of Vengeance

This is a Paladin subclass that adheres to a strict code of delivering justice by any means necessary. This could also include sacrificing the purity of the Paladin. Those that have sworn an Oath of Vengeance can blur the path of righteousness to vanquish the greater evil.
These Paladins gain the bonus action Inquisitor’s Might at level 1 which grants additional radiant damage which correlates with your charisma modifier. This bonus action can be cast on any character in your party and lasts for two turns.
The vengeful Paladins also have Oath spells that aid them well in their fight to deliver justice. These Paladins also acquire the spell Haste at level 9 which makes them faster and harder to hit. Relentless Avenger is a unique subclass feature that makes them 4.5 times faster on the next turn after you hit with an opportunity of attack.
Oath of the Ancients

These noble BG3 Paladin subclass has sworn an oath to preserve the sanctity of life and the beauty of nature in the eternal struggle against the forces of darkness. They are in sync with nature and have the ability to channel to help it in their fight against evil. Nature’s Wrath is a unique action that calls upon the primeval forces of nature to hinder an enemy’s movement.
Much like the Druids, Paladins who have taken the Oath of the Ancients can speak to animals and call upon plants to serve as allies in battle. Aura of Warding is a unique feature that ensures that your character and nearby allies only take half a damage. This ward is also permanent and lasts until your character becomes unconscious.

These are Paladins in Baldur’s Gate 3 who have broken the aforementioned mentioned oaths and have now been forsaken by the powers that aided them in their quest. Oathbreakers are left to roam the lands relying on the will of the darkness forces to pass. This is the only subclass in the game that isn’t a choice while leveling up. Instead, the Oathbreaker subclass is bestowed upon Paladins when they break their respective oaths.
Any action that goes against the oath tenets can lead to acquiring the Oathbreaker subclass and losing the original Oath subclass you had chosen. This makes a Paladin playthrough all the more exciting as several decisions in the game can have serious consequences on your character.
Progress regarding all normal skills, features, and spells made to the point of breaking an oath is retained while all previous subclass traits are lost. This is not permanent though. You can reacquire your previous Oath subclass by simply speaking to the Oathbreaker Knight and paying a sum of 1000 gold.
Oathbreakers are swayed by the dark forces and therefore rely on them to accomplish things. Spiteful suffering is an Oathbreaker action acquired at level 1 and is the only necrotic action for Paladins. Likewise, Inflict Wounds is the only necrotic spell for Paladins and can be acquired as a level 3 Oathbreaker.
Aura of Hate is a unique subclass feature that allows Oathbreakers and any nearby fiends and undeads to deal additional melee damage corresponding with the Paladin’s charisma modifier.
That concludes our Baldur’s Gate 3 Paladin subclasses guide. You can take a look at our Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock subclasses and Baldur’s Gate 3 Fighter subclasses guide, and also the tier list of the classes in Baldur’s Gate 3.