Armored Core 6 features some of the most overpowered mech bosses that need to be defeated for the game’s progression. These bosses possess tremendous agility, making the fights harder than the ones with normal enemies. One such boss is the notorious Armored Core 6 Ibis.
This boss makes its grand appearance during the Chapter 4 finale mission ‘Reach the Coral Convergence’ and is known for its fast-paced attacks and swift movements. The Ibis Series CEL 240 is a tough opponent if you don’t have the right strategies and build to make the battle a little easier. You should also take a look at all the Coral weapons in Armored Core 6 to ensure you are well-equipped for the battle.
Here are some tips and tricks you should know that can help you win this fight.
Best Build for Armored Core 6 Ibis Fight

You can always try to take down Ibis with your own build, but it might take a long time to get used to all the dodging and strafing you might have to do. To save some time, try this build instead:
- R-Arm Unit: RF-024 TURNER
- L-Arm Unit: PB-033M ASHMEAD
- R-Back Unit: VE-60SNA
- L-Back Unit: VE-60SNA
- Arms: AR-012 MELANDER C3
- Legs: 06-041 MIND ALPHA
- Booster: G1/P10
- Generator: VP-20D
The double stun helps a lot during the fight and the build being rather lightweight adds to your mech’s agility. You can also invest in some points into the OS Tuning to increase your Attack Control and Core Expansions. Air dash and jump boost are also some of the perks to keep in mind during this big boss fight.
How to beat the Armored Core 6 Ibis boss?

The best way to defeat Armored Core 6 Ibis is to dodge and strafe its attacks while subsequently firing in between. This enemy is programmed to attack while circling above you, so making use of the stuns and fire power equipped, you must aim for its core and leave the heavy damage dealing ammo for when it’s staggered and on the ground.
This boss fight will have mainly two phases in which it can use some heavy damage attacks. Here’s how you can work around them:
Phase 1 – Laser Beam

Ibis will pause for a brief moment in the air while charging up a 2600 damage dealing Laser Beam. The best way to avoid this attack is to keep some distance from the enemy and dodge the deadly laser at the right time.
Coral Slash
The second part of Phase 1 has an even more powerful attack called the Coral Slash. The boss will launch a series of aerial slash like beams that are pretty hard to dodge and can end you with one hit. Strafing side to side while using your dash or quick boost can help you win this avoid without getting hit.
Coral Swords
This phase will start with the spinning sword like attack, which can be deadly up close. So, make sure you distance your mech as far away as possible to avoid this madness.
Phase 2 – Manta Ray

The manta ray phase will occur once the Armored Core 6 Ibis boss is below 50% health. To avoid getting swept up by its immense coral energy on the ground, simply jump boost up high and slowly fall once it has passed below you. You can also attack when you are in the air during this phase.
If you want to blast your way to victory, try implementing gears like the Songbirds or Detonating Bazookas into your build to make it more explosive based.
Once you have recognized some of the patterns and phases, it will be smooth sailing after that. Remember: you can always construct you own build, try different dodging techniques, and restart the fight till you get the hang of what works and what does not. Check our detailed guide on how to defeat Cataphract boss in the next chapter.
Were you able to defeat Armored Core 6 Ibis? Let us know in the comments below.