Destiny 2 recently added a bunch of new content accessible to anyone who owns the Beyond Light expansion. From new raids to even new quests and missions, these are new experiences to dive into. This also added a quest to Destiny 2—A Hard Rain Falls—which you can obtain from the mysterious Exo-Stranger.
In this guide below, we will explain how you can complete this quest and get the High Albedo Sidearm reward for it.
How To Start and Complete A Hard Rain Falls In Destiny 2

To complete A Hard Rain Falls, you need to go to the current Eclipsed Zone and complete Patrols and Public Events there. This quest is given to you by Exo-Stranger who can be found at Europa’s Campsite. If you don’t find this quest available, you might need to do some quests for the Variks first.
After speaking with him, he will give you the quest that tasks you to complete Patrols and Public Events inside of an active Eclipsed Zone. These can be found by looking at the map—you will see golden asteroids falling on a certain location as shown in the picture above which means that area is the current Eclipsed Zone.
These Eclipsed Zone changes every week, so we cannot tell you where it is currently in the game but it shouldn’t be that hard to find. Once you are in the Eclipsed Zone, make sure you do Public Events first as they are rare and also give you 35% progress toward A Hard Rain Falls in Destiny 2 compared to Patrols which only give you 15%.
Once you hit 100% progress, the quest is now done and all you need to do is go back to the Exo-Stranger and talk with him. He will then reward you with the High Albedo Sidearm, which completes the whole quest.
How Good Is The High Albedo Sidearm In Destiny 2?

The High Albedo Sidearm, which is the reward for completing A Hard Rain Falls in Destiny 2, is a decent little sidearm to have. It comes with an Adaptive Frame and fires in a three-round burst. Getting perks like Appended Mag or even Wellspring works quite well with it but that is based on your luck when you get rewarded this weapon.
Fortunately, if you didn’t roll one with nice enough perks, this weapon can also be farmed through the Sabotage missions that can be obtained via the Variks. These Sabotage missions only unlock after completing the quest.
That is all you need to know about A Hard Rain Falls in Destiny 2. If you are looking for more rare items like the High Albedo sidearm, you might also be interested in knowing how to get Reculse in Destiny 2.