Weekly Vendor Challenges in Destiny 2 are certain objectives that let you increase your Power level beyond the soft cap after completing them. As the name suggests, these will rotate every week and give you a chance to get stronger and stronger as you complete them each following week.
Here is everything you need to know on how you can acquire and complete these Weekly Vendor Challenges in Destiny 2.
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How To Start Weekly Vendor Challenges In Destiny 2
There are various NPCs in Destiny 2 that offer Weekly Vendor Challenges. As the name would suggest, those NPCs are all the Vendor NPCs that sell items including the Tower NPCs like Banshee-44, Zavala, Shaxx, etc.
Before doing any of these challenges, you will need to reach the soft cap of 1750 power level on your current Guardian. This can be done just by playing the game as you would and collecting higher and higher powered gear from drops and Engrams until you reach that power level.
How To Find And Complete Destiny 2 Weekly Vendor Challenges

To find where a Vendor might have available Weekly Vendor challenges, you will need to look for the blue glyph icon on the map screen of any given location like the Tower or a planet. This indicates an NPC there that can provide you with weekly challenges.
Completing eight bounties for these Vendors counts as a completion of a Weekly Vendor challenge. Use the vendor icon on your map and hover over it to keep track of how many bounties are left until it can be completed.
Once you do the bounties, you can then head back to the vendor and complete the challenge which will give you powerful items that push you beyond the soft cap in Destiny 2. This way you can continue doing the Weekly Vendor challenges to get to the hard cap of 1800 power level.
Are There Weekly Challenges Other Than Vendor Challenges?
Yes, there are other weekly challenges too which can be done by completing activities like Vanguard Strikes, Crucible, etc. While not being Vendor Challenges, they are still Weekly challenges that can give you powerful gear. They are indicated with a Yellow circle under the name of a location in the Destinations screen.
That is all you need to know about the Weekly Vendor Challenges in Destiny 2. While you’re at it, why not check out our guide on how to get Lucky Pants in Destiny 2.