For a lot of players, House Flipper 2 is a therapeutic experience as they calmly go about a house making everything better through various objectives so it can be sold. These tasks include cleaning, painting, demolishing, etc. While you can progress through the tasks simply enough in the early game you eventually need Perks to take your abilities to the next level. Here is how I managed to unlock and use perks in House Flipper 2.
Unlocking Perks In House Flipper 2

Perks in House Flipper 2 are unlocked by doing certain activities. For example: doing more cleaning work will grant the Cleaning category perk unlocks, painting work will unlock perks in the Painting walls category, and so on.
Once unlocked, Perks can then be bought with Perk Points and will now be considered “active.” Perks like Cleaning Spray, Roller of Tomorrow, and Grab What You Can are some of the ones I went for first and it made my work way easier and faster. However, you could also go for perks you need for specific objectives so you can complete them faster when working on a project.
Unlocking and using these perks is essential to the progress of the game since the jobs you get later on are tougher. A lot of the work seemed a bit tedious to me in the beginning, but having perks changed that and brought a lot more fun to House Flipper 2.
Make sure that you buy perks for the tasks that give you the most issues or the ones that you find the most boring. If you make the fun tasks faster and more efficient, then you will be done with those in no time and be left with the boring tasks that you have no perks for.