Developed by Eleventh Hour Games, Last Epoch tells the story of a world named Eterra where unruly Gods and terrifying curses have been terrorizing mankind for centuries. This ARPG, which was in Early Access since April 2019, has finally announced its much anticipated full version 1.0 release.
When Is Last Epoch Coming Out?
Last Epoch version 1.0 is releasing on February 21, 2024, at 11 AM CT. Depending on the region, the game will be released at the following times:
- America – 9 AM PT, 11 AM CT, 12 PM EST, February 21
- Europe – 5 PM GMT, 6 PM CET, February 21
- Asia and Oceania – 4 AM AEDT, 5 AM AET, February 22
Note: The servers will shut down for maintenance one day before release (February 20). If you have been playing the early access version, make sure to not log in on that date to avoid any save file issues.
Last Epoch will only be available on Windows PCs via Steam during launch. However, the developers have hinted at the possibility of a console launch (but in the far future).
Last Epoch features a very World of Warcraft-esque gameplay where players can choose between a plethora of different classes and skill sets for their character in the game. These classes also have magic spells and other elemental skills to fight the evil corrupting their lands.