Lords of the Fallen, Hexwork’s latest Soulslike action RPG has finally launched, introducing a series of new gameplay mechanics and a unique world for fans to explore. One such mechanic that even veterans of Soulslike games might not be familiar with is the ability to Soulflay.
This is something you will be able to do from the start of the game. The developers have ensured that the Soulflay mechanic represents an aspect of Lords of the Fallen that differentiates itself from its Soulslike peers.
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The Soulflay Mechanic In Lords Of The Fallen
Players can Soulflay only when they have the Umbral Lamp in their possession. This tool is primarily used for traversing through the Umbral Realm. Additionally, it can be used to interact with puzzles and also to inflict higher levels of damage on enemies during combat situations.
While players will gain access to the lamp from the start of the game, Soulflaying with it will consume Soulflay charges and they are not easy to recover.
How To Recover Soulflay Charges
There are three methods you can follow to recover Soulflay charges in Lords of the Fallen:
By heading to a Vestige and resting, your Soulflay charge slot will automatically replenish to full. This works for both normal Vestiges and even with ones that you’ve created by planting Vestige Seedlings.
If you don’t wish to travel to a Vestige for resting, you can still gain enough Soulflay Charges by siphoning certain enemies. You can also get Soulflay charges from Blisters which are blue glowing pustules that are found only in the Umbral Realm.
However, you can also siphon them from the realm of the living by using the Umbral Realm and pressing the siphon button.
Defeating Enemies
Killing several enemies will also help you restore Soulflay Charges. After you kill them, they will drop purple wisps of energy that can be collected when you approach them. This is, however, the slowest way to refill your Soulflay charge meter.
How To Soulflay Targets In Lords of the Fallen?
Once you have enough Soulflay Charges, you can start Soulflaying enemies and other targets. Performing this on stationary targets will enable you to solve puzzles and doing the same on enemies will deal high damage to them. The process is also very simple as you only need to lock-on to a target or enemy, use the Umbral Lamp, and press the Soulflay button, depending on your control layout.
When enemies are Soulflayed, their souls will emerge from their bodies in the form of an ethereal white silhouette. As a result, their bodies will be immobilized, with their souls remaining outside for a few seconds until they return back.
Attacking the souls will deal Wither damage to those enemies. You only have a small window of opportunity to go on the offense as your enemies will be able to recover portions of their health that you withered away. However, if you attack their real bodies after their souls return back to them, they will not be able to recover lost health at all, allowing you to end them with ease.

Unlike the case with enemies, targeting inanimate objects will not consume a Soulflay Charge. When you’re trying to solve a puzzle in the Umbral Realm and need to Soulflay an Umbral Node, your Soulflay Charge slot will not deplete as in this case, the ability can be used for free.
Another tip you can follow to improve your gameplay in Lords of the Fallen is upgrading your Umbral Lamp. It is, after all, one of the most important utilities in the game and consistently upgrading it will enhance its effectiveness, allowing you to defeat enemies comfortably and helping you progress through the game with relative ease.