Dogtown Saints is one of the first side gigs you encounter in Cyberpunk 2077’s latest expansion, Phantom Liberty. This quest introduces you to Mr. Hands, Pacifica’s Fixer who sends you on a search and rescue mission to find Anderson in the Haven Clinic.
Although the task seems easy, getting to Anderson can be quite a troublesome journey filled with enemies if you do not have the right tips and tricks up your sleeve. To make this risky quest a little bit easier, here is the complete walkthrough you need.
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Phantom Liberty Dogtown Saints Side Gig Location

The Dogtown Saints side gig can be started only after completing the “Spider and the Fly” main story quest in the game. To start the side gig, locate the Haven Clinic in Dogtown and head towards it. This will trigger a conversation with Mr. Hands who will brief you about the Anderson mission.
Side gigs usually appear as a green icon on the Night City’s map, so make sure to keep an eye out to spot them easily.
How to Complete the Dogtown Saints Side Gig in Phantom Liberty?
To complete the Dogtown Saints quest successfully, you need to first fight off some scavs that are surrounding the clinic and holding Anderson hostage. Then you can rescue Anderson and convince him to open up the Haven Clinic once again to treat the ill. Here are the detailed steps:
Meet Odell Blanco

Mr. Hand’s client, Odell Blanco, will be standing near the clinic. You need to go to him and strike up a conversation regarding Anderson. He will inform that Anderson is being locked up by some scavs surrounding the clinic.
You need to either get inside through the front door or sneak your way in for this rescue mission while also ensuring that Anderson does not get into any kind of harm’s way.
Enter the Haven Clinic

The entrance of the Haven Clinic is completely barred and heavily guarded with scav enemies. So, unless you have a Body attribute point of 16 or more, you cannot enter the establishment through the front. You need to sneak your way in through the left side of the building which contains a small opening on the clinic’s wall.
Eliminate any enemies nearby and then proceed to head towards the basement. If you prefer the peaceful route, you can try not to get detected by the wandering guard enemies and use stealth to get in.
Reach the Clinic Basement

Once you’re inside the clinic, follow the yellow marker to head to the basement. Keep in mind that the area is riddled with powerful enemies. Use guns to subdue them or try our Phantom Liberty Netrunner build guide to neutralize these enemies with unique quickhacks.
You can also access the clinic’s computer and turn off security cameras so that they don’t detect you trespassing. Now that you have reached the basement, make your way toward Anderson’s office.
Reach Anderson’s Office
Anderson’s office will be illuminated by a yellow light above it. Once you go inside, you will find Anderson in an intense conversation with Nika who seems to be quite upset. Nika will then proceed to point her gun toward Anderson demanding answers.
This is where you can intervene and try to de-escalate the situation. Remember, your job is to rescue Anderson and keep him safe. So, make sure to save your playthrough at this point just in case, and proceed with caution.
Convince Nika and Anderson

You need to convince both Anderson and Nika to calm down and resolve the tense situation. Since Nika is threatening Anderson at gunpoint, you have a choice to either kill her or convince her to lower the gun. If you take the convincing route, select the following dialogue in order:
- Everyone chill.
- Just tell her, doc.
- Go help yourself.
- You killed him for parts?
- Give Nika her brother.
When Nika finally lowers her gun and exits the room, you can talk to Anderson and exit the clinic. Mr. Hands will contact you immediately after your exit and reward you with 8000 Eurodollars.
Should you kill Nika in Dogtown Saints?
Although you do have the option to kill Nika during the Dogtown Saints side gig in Phantom Liberty, it is better to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. As such, killing Nika will not affect anything in the Dogtown Saints quest’s ending as well as your main storyline in the game.
So, you can just talk your way out of that heavy situation and reserve your bullets for enemies that deserve it. But if you still want to try out the other choice, save your game before the confrontation and try out both options to see if you’re the chaotic evil type or not.
Try out the Phantom Liberty Balls to the Wall mission guide if you want more side gigs in Dogtown.