Various side quests in the latest Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion offer you a choice at the end of the quest completion. One such instance comes across in the Roads to Redemption gig where you are surrounded by the Biotechnica Agents and you have a tough choice to make.
This gig gets unlocked right after the first main mission in the expansion, Firestarter, after you have exhausted your dialogue with Myers. You can begin the gig in the new area called Dogtown where you will be interacting with a client to successfully deactivate a bomb. Here’s everything you need to know about this gig.
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How to Start the Roads to Redemption Gig in the Phantom Liberty Expansion?
The gig starts as you get a call from Mr. Hands to meet a client named Nele Sprinter in the Dogtown Stadium which you can reach either through walking or fast travel. Once you encounter her, you will learn a bit about her being tired of working for Crimson Harvest. With that out of the way, she will give you a shard for neutralizing the bomb and the passcode to get inside the factory.
Steps to Complete the Roads to Redemption Gig
Now, let us follow the steps to complete this gig:

- First, you need to get to the nearby factory by following the marker and you will find an elevator which you have to unlock with Nele’s pass code which is 1701.
- Once you are inside, you will come across enemies and turrets which you can either dispose of by engaging with them or just make your way inside if you have enough stealth skills.
- Going inside, you will find another elevator on your left that will lead you to another area where you will find some more enemies.
- Now you might have to kill some of them even if you wish to take the stealth way or all of them if you want to go in guns blazing.
- Coming out from the elevator, head down to the manufacturing area where there will be some scientists and take right from there to another room where on the left you will find another door.
- Go through that door and you will enter the room where the bomb is kept.

- Interact with the bomb and use the shard that Nele gave you to upload the program on it that will neutralize the virus in Berlin when the bomb is detonated a few days from now.
- Now make your way out of the factory and follow the marker to meet Nele in her car as she thinks she is being followed.
- When you get in the car with her, soon the car will be hacked and you both will be surrounded by Biotechnica Agents who are there to arrest Nele for the terrorist attack at a Biotechnica lab in Paris last year, where 32 innocent people were killed.

- Now this is the time when you are encountered with two choices – either you defend Nele in front of the agents and eventually end up killing them to protect her from arrest, or you can let her get arrested for her involvement in the attacks.
Rewards for Completing the Road to Redemption Gig in Phantom Liberty
No matter what choice you make, you will eventually receive a call from Mr. Hands about your contract completion and will receive the reward anyway. The reward consists of Street Cred and XP.
That’s all for our guide on the Phantom Liberty Roads to Redemption Gig walkthrough. If you found this guide helpful, do check out our take on the Phantom Liberty Oath guide.