In contrast to previous Bethesda RPGs, Starfield lets you finish its main quest and jump right back into the game with the same character with new abilities and dialogue options. The Starfield New Game Plus mode adds a unique and exciting twist to the game while incentivizing the reprised gameplay.
But the NG+ functions in a way that’ll make you hard and fast whether to stay in our current playthrough or jump into it. So, here we will explain what you can expect out of the Starfield New Game Plus mode.
How To Get Into Starfield New Game Plus Mode
In the final mission of Starfield, ‘One Giant Leap’, the game will give you a choice between carrying on in this universe and starting over in a new universe.
Once you choose the latter, the game will start in a new universe while stripping the majority of your items, including:
- Inventory
- Credits
- Ships
- Outpost builds
- Relationships
- Weapons
- Scanning progress
- Resources
- Cargo
Upgraded skills and abilities (Image via Bethesda Softworks)
In the Starfield New Game Plus Mode, the game will keep your current experience level alongside your previously acquired skills and powers. Furthermore, the previously acquired skills and abilities will also get an upgraded version, making the game more unique and exciting. It also gives you many new dialogue options pertaining to your newfound status (as opposed to the miner who rose to be a Constellation member in the first playthrough).

Aside from all the skills and abilities, you’ll also be rewarded with some legendary items for choosing New Game Plus Mode in Starfield, including:

- Starborn Spacesuit Astra
- Starborn Guardian ship
Also, as there’s no level cap in Starfield like Fallout 4, choosing the New Game Plus Mode is the best option after you’ve completed the story at least once. It’ll allow you to collect more artifacts and powers and jump into all the side missions by skipping the game’s main story.
However, we suggest taking your time with your first playthrough and exploring all the places as you would otherwise. You will miss out on how the story and dialogue actually differ in the NG+ if you don’t attention to it in the first playthrough itself. Even then, we recommend making a hard save and backing it up before jumping into the Starfield New Game Plus mode as that would give you the chance to continue with your first playthrough if you miss your meticulously made ships or outposts.