A Beggar’s Tale is a special Vernworth side mission in Dragon’s Dogma 2 where you are tasked with stealing the Beggar’s Garb from a supposed street beggar. While you have the option to hand over the garb to three different candidates, each option has its own consequences and rewards attached.
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Who Should I Give the Beggar’s Garb To In Dragon’s Dogma 2?
You have three choices for handing over the beggar’s garb: Celina, Hilda, and Albert. Here are the details regarding each:
Choice 1: Celina

Celina is the Beggar’s (Albert) wife who lives in the Slums. Handing over the garb to Celina would reveal Albert’s true identity as a Noble and Celina will be devastated by this news. Later you will find out that she has taken her as well as her husband’s life and left 3000G and three Noonblooms for you to collect.
Choice 2: Hilda

Hilda is Albert’s Noble wife who lives in the Noble Quarter in Baldwin Estate. If you tell Hilda about Albert’s shenanigans and hand over the garb, she will be disappointed by her husband’s action and ask you to revisit after she finds the truth herself.
After you return to check on the situation a few days later, Hilda will share the good news about Albert’s reformed ways and reward you with 3 Onyxs.
Choice 3: Albert
If you decide to confront Albert about his beggar disguise, he will request you to not reveal his identity and reward you with 5000G to keep his secret. You also get 900 XP for all choices after successfully completing this side mission.
To get the most money out of this side mission, I would suggest that you give the beggar’s garb to Hilda and take the three Onyx jewels. Three of those jewels will sell for a much higher price than what Albert might reward you if you choose his route or even Celina’s.
Choosing Hilda also guarantees that Albert reforms himself and finds a proper job in the game.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2: Fast Travel Guide
How To Get The Beggar’s Garb In Dragon’s Dogma 2

To get the Beggar’s Garb in the first place you need to follow Albert when he is returning home and steal it from the Common Quarter in Vernworth. His house will be to the very east of the City wall and you will find him walking out of the house after he has finished changing into his Noble attire to rest for the night.
If you’re concerned about making the wrong choice in this quest, don’t worry as this side mission does not hamper your main storyline’s progress in any way.