Having ships with different levels of benefits can bolster your fleet in Starfield to a great extent. However, you may have already wondered how many ships can you have in Starfield.
The original number of ships you can have in your fleet is limited to 10 in the Starfield base game. You can, however, add more ships to your fleet if you have reached the limit by a few means that we discuss in the latter half of this guide.
Just to get things out of the way, there are no associated skills or any option to purchase extra slots to increase the limit of 10 in the base game.

However, there is a certain way through which you can go beyond that limit and add more ships to your fleet.
How To Increase The Limit of Ships in Starfield?
First, you need to make sure that you already have 10 ships in your roster. Now, some quests come with bigger rewards like a starship like the Freestar Collective faction questline which rewards with one of the best free class C ships in the game. Going in those quests with 10 ships already in your fleet will let you add the rewarded ship as an 11th ship to your fleet. However, you cannot buy any more than 10 ships in Starfield.
Other than that, you can choose the mods route and head to Nexus mods which will provide you with a mod named More Ownable Ships. As the name suggests, this mod lets you increase the limit of the number of ships you can have in Starfield.

Yet another option is to modify the value of the maximum owned ships in the StarfieldCustom.ini file. For the location of this file, you can take a look at Gopher’s Starfield modding tutorial video.
That was all on our take on how many ships can you have in Starfield and how to increase the limit of ships. If you found this guide helpful, then do check out our guide on the best ship weapons in Starfield.