Hideo Kojima’s new game, OD, was revealed at the Game Awards, but many questions were left unanswered. We’ll describe what happened so you can have the information we do, but it felt like everyone involved tried their best to keep people confused.
The trailer started with a woman speaking, but she was hard to hear. Then, there was a man speaking, and then it went back to the woman. The woman screamed after the sound of a door opening was played, which startled me, and the trailer ended. It was the least descriptive trailer we’ve ever seen. After that, Hideo Kojima came on stage.
Kojima said that the game was partly a movie, partly a game, and partly an experience. Platforms were not revealed, but Kojima spoke about how he was using Xbox’s Game Cloud service. Kojima was so careful not to give anything away; we all know that he is using the cloud to help improve the game. Somehow, with it, the development is a lot easier.
After giving those details, Jordan Peele came on stage. Peele is known for Key and Peele, and his horror movies Get Out and Nope. He is collaborating with Kojima on OD, and both of them are using their experience to shape this game. That’s all Peele wanted to tell The Game Awards.
Kojima teased more creative partners, saying he calls them all the “Avengers.” There was no mention of who those creative partners may be but we assume they are also big names in industries. Otherwise, not much was revealed and we should expect as much from the great Kojima.