Fans of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece may often find it challenging to rank the five strongest characters from the series. This is because One Piece is a complex world with thousands of characters having interesting abilities and strength that make it tough to decide. While many might contest that Im deserves to be part of the Top 5 strongest characters, he lost his ranking by the sheer lack of concrete knowledge on his abilities and strength. Therefore, to choose the strongest character in One Piece, one must take into consideration a character’s physical growth in the present stage, including their alive status.
Meanwhile, the weakest in the series can be easily said as the citizens, but that is too vague of an answer. One Piece does contain several weak characters in the plot, just like the strongest, so to make a comprehensive list of the least five characters is yet another issue. For example, Gaimon’s reputation within the series only exists as a gag character in one episode, diminishing the possibility of an exploration of his past strength. Yet, the following article attempts to make a list of five absurdly strong and weakest characters based on their status in the series.
Sengoku, Mihawk, and 3 other One Piece characters whose strength is absurd
5. Monkey D. Dragon

The father of Luffy and son of Garp, Monkey D. Dragon is yet another strong pirate of great fame. He is the Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army who holds great command over the globally powerful paramilitary that has become a threat to the World Government in a short span. Moreover, he is known as the “World’s Worst Criminal” who was able to defeat many notable pirates and the Marines in the Grand Line.
Like Shanks, his powers are mostly unknown in the series. Yet, his brilliant command and distinction in the pirate world was enough for his son to be marked as a threat by the World Government. While many fans have remained curious about him, it was noted that when he was in Goa Kingdom and Loguetown, strong blasts of wind had occurred close to him, which is presumed to have been his doing. Aside from that, his mysterious appearance to save Sabo’s sinking ship off the coast of the Dawn Line and helping him without drawing attention also make fans speculate that he has another intriguing power up his sleeve.
4. Dracule Mihawk

Known as the World’s Strongest Swordsman, Mihawk is one of the strongest pirates in One Piece. He used to be one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea before the group dissolved, after which his bounty was increased to 3,590,000,000 berries – an amount higher than Emperors Luffy and Buggy.
Mihawk is so powerful and skilled that he single-handedly destroyed Don Kreig’s whole fleet (comprising of five ships and 50,000 men), with the exception of the main ship that got away due to a bad storm. Aside from being Shanks’ rival at one point, he defeated Zoro easily, which is also the reason why the Straw Hat considers Mihawk an obstacle to achieving the title of World’s Strongest Swordsman. During the Summit War of Marineford, where he served as one of the antagonists, he was also able to defeat Vista and Crocodile without even having a scratch.
3. Shanks

The captain of Red Hair Pirates, Shanks is currently one of Yonkos to rule over the sea. With a bounty of 4,048,900,000 berries, which is the highest amount among the current Yonkos, his true power is yet to be revealed in the series. Although he does not possess any Devil Fruit powers, he primarily uses Haki during battles. However, even if one does not take that into account, Shanks is known for having immense strength, speed, endurance, and pain tolerance.
His physical prowess is particularly seen in his fights against Dracule Mihawk, Whitebeard, and Akainu, among others. Moreover, pirates from the Worst Generation, including Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo, and Basil Hawkins, had to team up with each other so that they could defeat Shanks. Aside from that, Shanks holds large influence and command over the pirate world, as seen when he was able to stop the war in Marineford with his words, earned Sengoku’s respect, and was able to gain an audience with the Five Elders.
2. Sengoku the Buddha

Alongside Garp, former Fleet Admiral Sengoku is another force to be reckoned with. Known for his incredible strategies and military experience, Sengoku was so powerful that his strength and abilities were acknowledged by Gol D. Roger. While without using the Zoan Devil Fruit powers he was able to hold off Garp, with the combination of his Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu powers, he was able to knock off all the Blackbeard Pirates members.
However, his greatest shining moment would probably have been defeating the famed pirate Shiki the Golden Lion. About 22 years ago in Marineford, Sengoku fought alongside Garp to bring Shiki down and imprison him at Impel Down. This is considered a particularly admirable defeat since Shiki was known for slaughtering a whole army of Marines. Moreover, despite being 79-years old, Sengoku has defeated Jack, one of the fearsome pirates of Beasts Pirates under the Yonko Kaidou, with the help of Tsura and Fujitora.
1. Monkey D. Garp

Having fought the Pirate King Gol D. Roger on equal grounds on various occasions, Monkey D. Garp is like a living legend within the One Piece-verse. Although he was offered the admiral position many times, he refused to accept the promotion(s). Garp’s most legendary battle had to be his team up with Roger during the God Valley incident to defeat the formidable Rock Pirates, following which Monkey D. Garp came to be famously known as the “Marine Hero.”
However, his achievement doesn’t just end there. After defeating the legendary pirate Don Chinjao, he earned the moniker “The Fist.” He was able to defeat Marco the Phoenix easily, and had it not been for Sengoku, then Garp would have probably killed Akainu. The 76-year-old Monkey D. Garp may be way past his prime now, but his strength and physical prowess is not to be undermined, as he is still a feared figure among the pirates.
Spandam, Wapol, and 3 other weakest characters in One Piece
5. Gaimon

Gaimon appeared early in the One Piece as a gag character. Once a pirate, he now lives an almost sedentary life in the Island of Rare Animals. Although not much has been known about Gaimon, it is sure that he has little to no combat skills. However, he is a skilled climber that has landed him in the situation that he is today. As such, with his body now being atrophied with the empty chest, he doesn’t hold much chance against other pirates who can easily overpower him despite his sneaky method of marksmanship.
4. Spandam

Considered the weakest member of his group, Spandam has shown time and again that he is incapable of learning the Rokushiki moves. Despite his lack of physical prowess, he is not minded by the members of Cipher Pol 9. Spandam is aware of his unproficiency in combat skills, so he primarily uses his intellect and deception to get out of a tricky situation. However, Spandam does possess great endurance, which is seen in his fight with Usopp, Robin, or Franky. Yet, his endurance does not compensate for his lack of strength.
3. Charlos

Although he carries a pistol, he lacks the marksmanship to actually hurt somebody fatally, except Hatchan. Charlos may have a good political influence in One Piece, but that’s entirely due to his status as a World Noble. Apart from that, he does not have any admirable qualities. He is physically weak, which is why he is often seen being carried around by a slave. Moreover, his lack of physical prowess is further proved when viewers see that he gets easily knocked out with Luffy’s single punch. Hence, if one punch from then-Luffy sends him flying, his chance against the Straw Hat captain, who is also one of the four Emperors, is almost zero.
2. Wapol

Having eaten the Bara Bara no Mi, Wapol possesses an unique ability that allows him to eat anything and copy the features of the digested item for 24 hours. However, he lacks combat skills and experience, as seen in his clash against Luffy and Chopper that ultimately resulted in his defeat. While Wapol is capable enough of slimming himself down to gain increased agility, it has not guaranteed him any major victory within the series.
1. Morgan

Once a Marine Captain, “Axe Hand” Morgan was stripped of his position after he lost a battle against Straw Hats’ Luffy and Zoro. Yet, out of all entries under the weakest section, Morgan is the toughest one. While Captain Kuro deliberately spares him during a battle, Morgan was the only to have survived the attack. He also exercises a good physical strength and knowledge of Devil Fruits despite living in the East Blue. Moreover, his axe-hand is a useful weapon that Morgan handles with ease, giving an edge against pirates of low caliber.