Long-term fans of Digimon are familiar with Agumon, the partner of the main character and a happy-go-lucky yellow dinosaur with the ability to shoot fire. Top it off with an innocent, hilarious personality with an affinity for yummy treats. Who wouldn’t like it?
However, this small Digimon is not just a cute face. Digimon fans know the number of evolutions it goes through, to become giant horned monsters, knights wearing armour, cybernetic beasts, or fire-spewing dragons. Some even turn dark or evil or even skeletal! Agumon’s transformations have been a staple of Digimon series across the eras. While it has been the major Digimon partner in two of these instalments (three and more, if we count his recurrent role in the Digimon Adventure sequels), he has arrived in minor or recurring roles in his multiple variations across the others.
However, did you know that Agumon’s greatest and most powerful evolutions are not, for the most part, even a part of the anime? Yes, the series has gained enough traction over the years to have numerous card games, video console stories and trivia. On that note, let’s take a look at some of the greatest Agumon Evolutions that are ranked accordingly considering the parameter of power.
From WarGreymon to VictoryGreymon: Here are top 10 strongest Agumon Evolutions
WarGreymon was one of the two first mega partners Digimon we ever saw, working with MetalGarurumon to warp-digivolve to gain an advantage over the vicious VenomMyotismon. He is a serious threat at any range because he is equipped with ferocious claws, a shield, and the Terra Force skill.
The fact that Wargreymon ranks at the bottom of the list despite being the strongest iteration of his line in his original anime only speaks to how strong the different variants are.
WarGreymon X
There are various video games and films that feature WarGreymon X. His “Land War Hero” moniker comes from the rocket engines on his back, which allow him to trade some of his base form’s aerial prowess for powerful speed bursts.
Adding X only increases the already dangerous might of a Digimon partly because it signifies the X antibody. This antibody is a marker of strength in the Digimon canon, signalling the power of the Digimon who possess it over their regular counterparts.
AncientGreymon’s power is that of a prehistoric force of nature, a burning fury that consumers all and one! One of the ancient Digimon who helped defeat Lucemon, AncientGreymon’s DNA is said to have passed down to all the Dragon type and Fire elemental Digimon.
After some time, Takuya discovers this form, which belonged to an ancient mega whose draconic skills were passed on to succeeding Greymon evolutions. Of course, there’s one more Greymon form even stronger in this very universe and that takes place higher on this list.
BlitzGreymon, a rare metamorphosis, prefers electric attacks over fire ones and is more of a cyborg type than a warrior or dinosaur, giving him a valuable counter against enemies who are weak to lightning.
He first appeared in Digimon Adventure as a new evolution, and by evolving into one of the arms of the final antagonist’s Omnimon form, he was essential to defeating him. It can send a burst of electricity through even the strongest of structures when it strikes using the Plasma Stakes on both of its arms.
ShineGreymon uses the dragon energy inherent to the Greymon species and takes it to a new level. It uses the scorching solar energy it has accumulated to combat, and its “GeoGrey Sword” carries the concentrated might of Gaia. It is one of the most powerful Digimon ever created, and its strength comes from its appearance as a ray of hope.
When channelling hatred, ShineGreymon can dark digivolve into ShineGreymon Ruin Mode like many other Greymon forms, giving it incredible power at the cost of reverting to egg form. Instead, he may access Burst Mode, which provides a sword, shield, and set of fire-powered wings, when it is properly channelled. However, there are still stronger Digimon on this list
Speaking of stronger Digimon and ones from Frontier, enter KaiserGreymon. Crucial to the defeat of one of the Holy Knights as well as Cherubimon this knightly force of fire truly lives up to its name, with Kaiser referring to and often being replaced by the word “Emperor”. With his sword and crossbow, Emperor Greymon is proficient at all ranges. He has control over fire as well, making him a multi-tooled giant that can attack with several weapons.
It is a Dragon Warrior Digimon with flame-controlling abilities that are reported to be greater than those of the Ten Legendary Warriors. It is rumoured to contain the power of the nine dragons whose veins run through Gaia, and it has been predicted that if it is able to contain the strength of the nine dragons, it will exhibit unfathomable abilities and even be able to control Gaia.
Omnimon is a Digimon Warrior. Due to the strong wishes of everyone who longed for good, one of the “Royal Knights”—Virus Busters WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon—was fused. It is a Digimon that combines the unique features of two bodies, making it a multitype warrior that can effectively use those skills in any circumstance.
For its unbreakable “Grey Sword” and “Brave Shield Omega” and “Garuru Cannon” for its MetalGarurumon-shaped right arm, respectively, it is shaped like a WarGreymon. When it avoids an attack from an adversary or when it is flying, the mantle on its back automatically deploys.
Omnimon X
Omnimon X is better than Omnimon in all the same ways that WarGreymon X is stronger than WarGreymon. It has better stats, better offence and better defence.
Of course, if you were to choose between Omnimon and Omnimon X, which do you think would be better?
Agumon Bond of Courage
Bond of Courage is Agumon’s strongest transformation and resembles WarGreymon, although not having the Greymon name. It helped fight an opponent that even Omnimon couldn’t beat. Agumon and its Partner share a strong affinity, and it is the fabled last digivolution that was realised after infinite possibilities.
Their unwavering faith is demonstrated by the indomitable “Courage” of their partner turning into searing flames that shoot out from its entire body. It has spent a lot of time with humans, which has given it a deeper understanding of them, and its digivolved form has given rise to a shape that is somewhat humanoid-like.
While Bond of Courage seemingly had no better alternatives, there is one variant that stands above one other. He has not appeared in the anime yet but along with ZeedGarurumon stands at the top of all other Digievolutions, even surpassing their combined Omnimon and Bond forms.
Victory is in his name, and this Dragon Man Digimon is the true upholder of justice and vanquisher of all evil with his sword. With a hand gripping his weapon as opposed to claws, he is undoubtedly the most human and most powerful of all Agumon Evolutions.