Redfall offers a selection of four characters, each with a unique set of abilities. You get to decide who you play as, but making that decision can be difficult since this cannot be changed later on. After carefully speculating each hero, we’ve ranked them from strongest to weakest. Hopefully, this can help you be the most terrifying vampire hunter out there.
1. Devinder Crousley

The fact that Devinder Crousley can stun adversaries and provide shock damage makes him the finest hero in the game. The attackers are dazed and unable to defend themselves, so you have time to eliminate them all with your rifle. His abilities include:
Arc Javelin – Throw an arc javelin at an enemy or surface to cause it to generate lightning that will zap outward and disable enemies nearby.
Translocate – Devinder can teleport to the translocation beacon he launched by pressing the “X” key twice on a keyboard or the “RB” button once on a controller. He leaves behind a beacon that allies can use to follow him.
Blacklight – Use Dev’s camera setup to emit intense UV light that will turn vampires to stone and blind anyone who approaches while stunning vampires from a distance.
2. Layla Ellison

While Layla is undoubtedly the most fashionable of the four, she also benefits from unique magic abilities that are much cooler than anything others possess. Layla wields a wide range of intriguing skills as a result of the psychic powers she acquired during vampire experimentation, including:
Life – Call out a spectral elevator that will lift you and your allies into the air, making it easy to move around.
Umbrella – Create a psychic energy-powered umbrella that can deflect missiles and damage. A burst of energy can be released by pressing “LB” on a gamepad or “Z” on a keyboard.
Vampire Ex-Boyfriend – Layla calls upon her ex-boyfriend Jason, a vampire, to battle beside her for a short while. Jason is a vampire by chance.
3. Remi De La Rosa

Remi is designed for gamers who wish to make use of explosives and technology. She is perhaps the most difficult to master, but once you completely grasp her powers, she can be useful.
C4 Charge – Remi launches an explosive bundle made of C4 that adheres to both surfaces and foes. It can be set off with the “X” key on a keyboard or the “RB” key on a gamepad once it has been trapped and armed.
Siren – Bribón enters the area where Remi is pointing and starts to make siren-like noises and flashing lights to attract attackers and deflect damage.
Mobilise – Remi forms a rallying circle that first sends out a healing pulse and then gradually continues to heal.
4. Jacob Boyer

Given that they don’t run up to him right away or teleport there, enemies can be eliminated from a distance by the stealth-focused Jacob. His fundamental skills are as follows:
Raven – Use the “Z” key on a keyboard or the “LB” button on a gamepad to direct a raven to survey the immediate area while you direct him to fly forward and mark enemies.
Cloak – Jacob’s cloak can be activated to make him invisible to opponents, however doing so will make him vulnerable to attack once more.
Heartstopper – To deal devastating damage, Jacob conjures an ethereal sniper rifle with sights that lock onto targets automatically.
It doesn’t matter how strong any character is; what matters is that you pick something that fits your preferred playstyle. Jacob will be an excellent choice if you love to maneuver in the shadows, exactly like the other characters. You can have many save files, so feel free to try different ones until you discover one that you like best.