Reality Augments were undoubtedly one of the most innovative additions to Fortnite in Chapter 4. Adding an additional element of excitement and fortuity to the game, they are perks that give tactical and strategic advantages in a match.
Players can choose between two randomized Augments at specific intervals in the game. They even have the option to reroll in the hope of swapping in the ones they prefer, but it is important to note that only the first reroll is free of cost. Each player gets four Augments in a game, allowing them to create a unique match-winning combination to frustrate their opponents.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 initially added seven new Reality Augments, and players have had more than a month to play around with them already. While some of them are worth rerolling for, others not so much. Here is a comprehensive ranking of the Reality Augments that were introduced at the beginning of the current season.
7) Dumpster Diving

Loot will spawn nearby when you leave a hiding place. Can occur once per hiding place.
Hiding has always been a popular strategy in Fortnite, especially utilized by more passive players who want to stay alive till the end game. Haystacks and dumpsters are prominent hiding places in Chapter 4 Season 2.
As the description suggests, the Dumpster Diving augment spawns some loot after players emerge from such a spot. The reason why it ranks the lowest is that the loot often ends up giving away the player’s location. It would be somewhat useful at spawn, but Augments only appear about two and a half minutes into the game.
6) Medium Ammo Amp

Your weapons using medium ammo will have an increased magazine size.
This Augment, as the name suggests, will grant an increased magazine size to weapons that use medium ammo, such as assault rifles, scopes, and DMRs. Players will be able to use more ammo than usual due to the large magazine before having to reload. Medium Ammo Amp can grant an advantage in combat, but whether it is worth an Augment slot is up for debate since most of these weapons are used either in long-range or for a quick follow-up.
5) Slap Surplus

Find a Slap Juice in every Chest you open. If the Chest already had a Slap Juice, it’ll have an extra one!
To be fair, players can never have enough healing items in Fortnite. However, Slap Surplus may be quite redundant in a map littered with consumables. Slap Juice is indeed a great item that gives 50 seconds of sprint stamina and 15 white health/shield, but it does not match up to the fan-favorite Chug Splash. With Slap Surplus, players will have a steady supply of Slap Juice as long as they keep opening chests and containers, which is difficult in the end game. The only redeeming feature of this Augment is that it enhances mobility to a certain extent.
4) Treasure Hunter

Nearby Chests are marked the first time you enter a POI.
With the Treasure Hunter Augment, you will never run out of loot. The moment you enter any POI, all the nearby chests will become highlighted. This is especially useful mid-game when you have been in a fight and are looking for a quick refresh. Treasure Hunter can be rendered pointless at times if you have Visual Audio toggled on because you will get an indication of chest locations when you go near them. That said, the Augment covers massive ground, and you can dash for the chests immediately.
3) Shotgun Recycle

Weapons using Shotgun ammo have a chance not to consume ammo.
The Havoc Pump is arguably the most hard-hitting shotgun the Fortnite community has used in a while. Dealing impressive damage in close-quarter combat irrespective of its rarity, it is spearheading the shotgun meta in Chapter 4 Season 2. All this is to say that even one additional Havoc Shot can make a world of a difference, which is why Shotgun Recycle is definitely worth a shot. Even if you prefer the Maven, having your shotgun not consume any ammo is a blessing. This Augment is third only because of its uncertainty.
2) Munitions Slide
Gain medium ammo while sliding.
There is something very satisfying about getting ammo without looting. Even better, when all players have to do is slide down the terrain to improve their firepower. With mobility being a major win condition in Chapter 4 Season 2, Munitions Slide can provide a significant advantage since players will not have to worry about their medium ammo count when they are carrying Mythic assault rifles. When rotating into zones, players can take shots liberally and still have plenty left for the end game.
That said, there’s a lot of ammo available on the map and other Augments that aid looting, so Munitions Slide has to settle for the second spot.
1) Dignified Finish

Eliminations refresh a cooldown for the Kinetic Blade’s Dash Attack.
The Kinetic Blade is the special item in Chapter 4 Season 2, and it has caught everyone’s fancy. Most players are carrying it all the way to the end game because of its versatility in this low-mobility meta.
With Dignified Finish, players will get an immediate refresh on the Dash Attack after an elimination, allowing them to flee a losing fight or avoid third parties. This is especially useful for those with a Kinetic Blade of blue rarity. Consecutive Dash Attacks can take players pretty far, allowing for easy rotation after storm fights as well. This Augment enhances the strength of one of the best items this season and is a boon in team modes, so it has definitely earned its spot at the top.