After you have dealt with the countless foes within the walls of Bramis castle (including the Surrendered Monarch), it is time to deal with Adyr, the Bereft Exile. This is one of the possible final bosses in Lords of the Fallen, and choosing to confront him will lead to the Radiance Ending. If you do choose to take on Adyr, bear in mind that you are in for the fight of a lifetime.
Colossal doesn’t begin to describe Adyr, the Bereft Exile. During your encounter with Orius’ evil counterpart only his top half is visible, which can give you an idea of his stature. Fortunately though, you don’t have to take Adyr head on. Unfortunately, you’ll be facing against Adyr’s most powerful weapon: manipulation.
As has been evident by the encounters countless residents of Axiom and Umbral including the likes of the Iron Wayfarer and Pieta, the manipulation prowess of Adyr, the Bereft cannot be understated. He is capable of turning entire realms against transgressors and that is exactly what you will have to deal with in the final boss fight in Lords of the Fallen.
Adyr The Bereft Exile’s Moveset

As mentioned earlier, it is not Adyr himself that you are going to be dealing with in this boss fight, but rather his minions. There are quite a few followers that Adyr has managed to summon to Rogar, and they have one purpose: to deal with any interlopers that want to stop their Lord.
As far as the attacks are concerned you don’t have to deal with too many. There just a few basic attacks which by this point you will be quite familiar with and can negotiate with ease.
Attack | Description |
Poison Barb | Followers unleash this often and can do poison damage. |
Magma puddles | Created by the followers in every part of the arena possible. These puddles are also formed upon destroying each follower. |
Fire Ball | Unleashed by the followers in the direction of the lampbearer. |
Adyr Blast | Adyr’s only attack can one-hit kill you, ending the fight immediately. There is no way to dodge or block this attack. |
How To Defeat Adyr The Bereft Exile In Lords Of The Fallen

As this encounter with Adyr begins, it is evident that he wants to plunge the realm into eternal darkness and your presence is clearly not welcome. He therefore wants to complete an infernal ritual to accomplish his fiendish goal while letting his horde of followers deal with you.
Before the fight begins, remember these tips:
- Defeating each of Adyr’s followers will lower his health a little. Defeat enough followers till his health goes down to zero before Adyr can execute his plan, which begins by unleashing the aforementioned blast.
- There isn’t a visible timer, but it is safe to assume that you have about 5 minutes to finish this boss fight before Adyr gets his way. The conversation Adyr continues to have during the fight is also a telltale indicator of roughly how much time you have left.
- The best way to defeat Adyr’s horde in Lords of the Fallen is to take each one of them out as soon as you enter the arena. There is a small window where the followers are busy praying to Adyr. You can make use of this window to take out as many as possible before they begin attacking.
Once Adyr’s followers start charging towards you, the following tips will come handy.
Watch Out For The Magma Puddles
The attack patterns of the followers are pretty straightforward. They move about spewing magma puddles in areas around them and attack you when you within visible range. The magma puddles can be dodged with ease, but it is best not to let them accumulate. There can be too many magma puddles in the arena soon enough if you haven’t dealt with the followers effectively.
Seek And Destroy
Rather than dealing with each follower as you encounter them, it is best to seek them out and defeat them. Their positions can easily be ascertained as you enter the arena. Clear the arena one level at a time. Despite the possibility of multiple followers engaging you at the same time, they cannot gang up on you. Furthermore, a good inferno or radiance spell can take them out with ease from long range.
Back Away From Blasts
Each follower explodes after you have defeated them. It is best to back away when this happens as it can deal more damage than any other attack by the followers. The explosion also leaves a magma puddle which doesn’t help things.
Be Light On Your Feet
While it is understandable if most of you have geared up with heavily for this ultimate boss fight, what you actually need is to be lightly equipped. Having the most powerful and longest sword in your arsenal is obviously the need of the hour, but for armor you can go with something light.
Ignite and Burn are your major foes in this Adyr boss fight, so it is best to have gear that minimizes these effects and allows enough protection to deal with Adyr’s followers.
Ultimately this is a fairly simple fight that will require a lot of running around and some moderate fighting. The followers will go down with ease with a strike or two at best. The trick here is to ensure that your health stays intact.
Rewards For Defeating Adyr The Bereft Exile

Once Adyr is out of points in his health bar, the final cutscene plays out with the typical ‘it is you who has been defeated’ and ‘death is only the beginning’ trope. Once Adyr has been purged from Axiom, Orius cleanses the entire realm with his radiance.
As a reward, you gain the ‘In the Light we walk’ trophy. New Game+ should now be available with the Radiant Purifier class unlocked.
In any case, by defeating Adyr, the Bereft Exile you have successfully beaten Lords of the Fallen.