The soulslike game Enotria The Last Song has a dynamic approach to gameplay mechanics. One of the key elements that make this game unique is how it handles status effects. The status effects in Enotria can be leveraged strategically to gain the upper hand against enemies. Therefore, understanding how they work can make or break your success in combat. Let’s explore each status effect in Enotria The Last Song so that you can use them to your advantage in the game.
Status Effects In Enotria The Last Song
The four main status effects in the game are Dizzy, Wicked, Radiant, and Sick.
Each effect is linked to a specific element and has both positive and negative implications for players and enemies alike. You can inflict these by landing a hit on the enemy with a weapon infused with that particular element; while you can trigger the Status Effect on yourself by using an Item or a Consumable. The effects add a layer of complexity to each battle, where you carefully look at the pros and cons for these, and depending on your playstyle and the boss moveset at hand, take a call on which status effect to choose for the boss, for oneself, or simply go in without either.
Dizzy | Vis

The Dizzy status effect is a double-edged sword. When inflicted, it increases the affected character’s melee damage and Stamina regen but at the cost of reduced defenses; and is inflicted by Vis.
If your character or an enemy becomes dizzy, you’ll notice increased aggression in attacks. However, dodging and parrying become less effective. This vulnerability is particularly dangerous against larger enemies, whose increased attack power could make them a greater threat if you can’t dodge in time.
How To Use Dizzy Status Effect In Enotria The Last Song
The Dizzy effect suits an aggressive playstyle, and can work wonders against slow bosses or enemies with a big health bar. You can chain combos, land more charged attacks and deal more damage with each attack.
If you manage to apply Dizzy to an enemy, you can use this opening to defeat them more easily while they’re vulnerable. The key to handling this status is careful timing. Dodge or block effectively to minimize the increased damage you’ll take.
Check out this article: Where To Go After Defeating Zanni In Enotria The Last Song
Wicked | Fatuo

When inflicted with Wicked, enemies take amplified elemental damage. However, there’s a catch—if the enemy strikes you, they will regain health.
How To Use Wicked Status Effect In Enotria The Last Song
The Wicked Status Effect is inflicted by the element Fatuo. This is a Status effect that perhaps requires the highest level of expertise to work with: you can exploit elemental weaknesses of enemies big time, but then have to be careful not to get hit, else it negates the effort put in to get the health reduced with your previous hits.
Using ranged weapons or spells can help you exploit the weakness from a distance. It also minimizes your risk of exposure to direct attacks.
Radiant | Gratia

The Radiant status effect means you have a ‘high-risk, high-reward’ strategy in Enotria. When enemies are afflicted with Radiant, they slowly regain health over time. However, if you manage to land an attack on a Radiant enemy, they will explode. The enemy will lose all the health they’ve accumulated, halting their healing process.
How To Use Radiant Status Effect In Enotria The Last Song
Using Radiant to your advantage requires precision and timing. This can work well when dealing with mobs – While one of them can have a gradual health regen, landing a hit will mean an AOE attack that damages others caught in the blast radius as well. Of course, this will need you to hit with a throwable or a spell from a distance, else you will also get damaged by the explosion.
On the other hand, if you’re the one under the influence of Radiant, avoid taking hits while healing. Any attack on you could completely negate your health regeneration efforts.
Sick | Malanno

Sick is a particularly dangerous out of all the status effects in Enotria, both because of its damaging nature and its ability to spread to others. This status is linked to Malanno and inflicts continuous harm on the affected individual while also causing damage to nearby enemies.
What makes Sick especially deadly is its contagious nature. If you stand too close to an enemy or another player affected by Sick for an extended period, you risk contracting it yourself. The damage can quickly add up. If not addressed promptly, it can lead to death or the waste of valuable healing resources.
How To Use The Sick Status Effect In Enotria The Last Song
The best way to handle the Sick status is to either avoid proximity with afflicted enemies or employ Milano-based attacks to neutralize its effects. If you manage to inflict Sick on an enemy, you can then switch to Viz for extra damage and eliminate the threat.
Here is a detailed table of all the status indicating how you can inflict or clear them:
Status | Element | Effect | Inflict Status | Clear Status |
Dizzy | Vis | Lowers DEF while boosting damage and stamina regeneration | Inebriating Seasoning | Invigorating Minestrone |
Wicked | Fatuo | Increases Elemental damage, but getting hit heals your opponent | Wicked Spices | Blessed Meal |
Radiant | Gratia | Gradually restores HP, but taking damage causes an explosive reaction | Cognitive Amplifier | |
Sick | Malanno | Depletes HP over time, with nearby units also suffering HP loss | Mighty Sickener | Broth of Remembrance |
Status effects in Enotria The Last Song can be powerful when used strategically. Mastering these will give you a significant advantage in combat. You will be able to control the battlefield and come out on top as you progress through the game. Do check out our guide on where to go after defeating Zanni in the game.