After defeating Balteus and reaching Chapter 2 in Armored Core 6, you will head to infiltrate Grid 086 where you will be faced against EC-0804 Smart Cleaner. This is a huge and menacing machine with two big arms that have red hot rotating spikes on them. It can also do many molten lava and fire-spewing attacks that can set the ground ablaze. And, like any other boss in AC6, it requires a very specific build and approach in order to defeat it. Did you check our detailed guide on how to defeat Balteus boss?
So in this guide below, we will take a look at what kind of AC build you will require to effectively take down the Smart Cleaner and what strategy you need to apply to utilize the build.
Best build to defeat Smart Cleaner in Armored Core 6
One thing that will most certainly get you killed during the Smart Cleaner boss fight in Armored Core 6 is staying on the ground. Staying in the air all the time is absolutely crucial for this boss fight which means the most essential AC part you need to equip is the Tetrapod Legs.
The Tetrapod Legs allow you to toggle hovering in mid-air without your input on managing the altitude. While in hover mode, they also consume a very minimal amount of EN, allowing you to stay in the air for long periods of time.
Below is the full build that we used against the Smart Cleaner Boss in Armored Core 6:

For the L-Arm and R-Arm weapons, it is highly advised you equip a Grenade Launcher and or Bazooka-type weapon on at least one of the arms. Try to go for another explosive weapon for the second one. On our build, we went for a Javelin Bazooka and a Napalm Grenade Launcher.
For the L-Back and R-Back units, you will need Vertical Missile Launchers. The reason for this is that it will make it far easier to hit its weak spots. This will be further explained in our strategy for this fight. It should be doable with any Vertical Missile Launcher no matter which one specifically.
Another part that will help you tremendously is the Assault Armor Expansion which can be bought from the OS Tuning shop. This will allow you to release a powerful shock wave that will instantly Overload/Stagger the Smart Cleaner. However, you can still do just fine without it.
Strategy and tactics to beat the Smart Cleaner in Armored Core 6
Our strategy with our above build in mind focuses on both the weak spots of the Smart Cleaner in Armored Core 6. One weak spot is the opening at the top while the other weak spot is right at the front of the Smart Cleaner at the base of it.
Here is how you need to approach this fight by utilizing both weak spots on the Smart Cleaner:
- Keep flying. This cannot be stressed enough as staying airborne and above the height level of the Smart Cleaner will pretty much make you safe from most attacks without doing much. This is where the Tetrapod Legs come into play, allowing you to hover at this altitude for long periods.
(Image via Bandai Namco) - There are two places you can lock onto the Smart Cleaner, these are its two weak spots. When you are in the air, make sure you are locked onto the top part of it. You will notice an opening on top with molten lava inside of it. This is where you need to spam your grenades, bazookas, and missile launchers. This will be very easy to do while hovering around with the Tetrapod Legs. Just be careful of the occasional attacks that come right out of this opening. This part is also why you need Vertical Missle Launchers to hit this opening at the top effectively.
(Image via Bandai Namco) - Attacking with your weapons directly inside the opening at the top will Overload/Stagger the Smart Cleaner quickly. Once this happens you will need to be quick for the next step. As soon as it is Staggered, turn off your hover mode and drop down to the ground right in front of it. Now change your target lock onto the opening at the front of it and put as much firepower as you can here while it is Staggered. Once you see him start to wake up again, quickly get airborne again since he will suddenly attack right after waking up from the Stagger.
(Image via Bandai Namco) - Repeat this process of firing down the opening at the top and then dropping down and firing in the opening at the front when Staggered. If you have the Assault Armor equipped, you can also put him in a staggered state back to back by triggering the Assault Armor right after it wakes up from a Stagger.
That is all you need to know on how to defeat the Smart Cleaner in Armored Core 6. Since you are looking to defeat bosses efficiently, you will need OS Tuning upgrades, check out our detailed guide on OS Tuning in Armored Core 6.