Starfield is finally out on early access and most of you that have it are faced with the conundrum that is part and parcel of most RPGs — character creation. With all that this game has to offer in terms of customization options, one thing that will leave you perplexed would be the traits. There are 17 of them in the game and you can choose up to three of them for your character. They have a significant impact on your character and the gameplay as you progress. So, it is quite reasonable to spend enough time figuring out which one works best for your playthrough.
Here is a look at Starfield best traits and some tips on how to choose the ones that suit your character and play style.
How do Traits work in Starfield?

Traits are a unique feature that you can add to your character which adds certain buffs. This also comes with certain debuffs. So, choosing traits in Starfield involves weighing the pros and cons of the affected stats. That being said, there are also some unique characteristics for each stat which can make gameplay all the more enjoyable.
While traits are meant to complement your playstyle and your desired characters, basic stats bonuses or debuffs are worth considering as well. This could make gameplay easier or more challenging depending on your overall build. Aspects such as faction sympathy and survival boosts can be quite handy throughout the game, especially during later stages.
The minimal survival elements are still aspects that should be taken into consideration while choosing traits. All this aside, traits are not meant to be permanent in Starfield. You have a choice to remove traits after a certain point in the game if you feel that it is hindering your gameplay or your desired quest progression.
All Starfield Traits
There are a total of 17 traits to choose from. Here is a gist of what these traits do and their associated effects.
Alien DNA
This trait is built in keeping with the game’s survival element in mind. Your character has increased oxygen and health which comes at the cost of the effectiveness of food and healing items. This is a good trait to choose for early-game, but its minimal benefits will soon be of little use for your character. The debuff on the other hand can take a toll on your inventory in the long run.
Upside: More Oxygen and Health
Downside: Food and Healing items become less effective
Dream Home

This is a great trait to have early game as you will have access to your own home when the game starts. The home is also customizable, so you can enjoy the comfort of having a proper shelter that is away from all threats. This is also a great way to store all your stuff early in the game and explore with ease knowing that your hoarded loot is safe. The house, however, comes with a 125,000 mortgage which has to be paid in weekly installments. This can be an issue early game when you are short on credits and want to expand your arsenal and inventory by purchasing useful items.
Furthermore, given the game’s extensive crafting mechanic which allows you to build elaborate outposts and such, this becomes a redundant trait as you progress.
Upside: A safe home on a peaceful planet
Downside: Steep weekly payments
This is a tricky trait to choose from and has a direct impact on your relationship with companions. Being an empath allows your character to offer a temporary boost to your companions’ combat effectiveness which can be done by performing certain actions that are to their liking. Conversely, if you perform any actions they do not like, you’ll end up jeopardizing your chances in combat and your relationship with those companions. This can become a hassle in your gameplay and limit your playthrough to the decisions that will appease your companions.
Upside: Combat stats boosts
Downside: Lack of freedom of choices and debuff on combat stats
This is a useful perk that allows you to have more companions which results in consuming less oxygen. This trait applies to adventuring with human companions only. This also means that you can have companions to share your loot with and have access to a larger inventory. The downside to this trait is that if you decide to venture alone, you’ll end up consuming more oxygen.
Upside: Less Oxygen consumption when venturing with human companions
Downside: More Oxygen consumed when venturing alone
Freestar Collective Settler
This is a faction-based trait where your character pledges allegiance to the Freestar Collective. This means as soon you start your playthrough, you can expect a certain amount of hostility from other factions manifested through greatly increased crime bounties. This is all the more obvious when it comes to dealing with the Freestar’s Collective former nemesis, the United Colonies. This trait can limit your interactions with other factions considerably and completing certain Freestar missions may jeopardize your chances of dealing with some factions altogether.
Upside: More dialogue options for Freestar Collective and faction rewards including perks
Downside: Possibility of alienating other factions and increased crime bounty with those factions
Hero Worshipped
This trait is an intensely personal choice of whether you want to be worshiped like the hero that you think you are or not. The catch, of course, is that by choosing this perk the game unleashes the Annoying Fan upon your character. For those who know this unique Oblivion reference, you’ll either be delighted or furious to learn that he is even more annoying in this one. Furthermore, he is going to be clinging to you throughout your playthrough with his perpetually infuriating or amusing (depending on how you feel about it) dialogue.
The benefit of having the annoying fan is that you’ll have access to a larger inventory along with other benefits that come from his Scavenging, Concealment, and Weight-lifting perks.
Upside: A companion early game who will shower you with gifts and unending praises
Downside: The adoring fan is still annoying
This is the inverse of the Extrovert trait applying to the consumption of oxygen. Being an introvert, you are better off venturing alone and by doing that, you consume less oxygen. If you choose to band up your party, you will end up consuming more oxygen. This trait is best suited for those who want to go solo on their entire campaign without having to rely on companions.
Upside: Consume less oxygen when venturing alone
Downside: Consume more oxygen when with companions
Kid Stuff
There is no greater wealth than the warmth of having a loving family. This trait allows your character to visit your parents and have some joyful conversations with them. While this is a great way to immerse yourself into the RPG side of things, it is unclear whether there are any quest-related things or bonuses associated with this trait. You can however unlock some unique weapons and a spaceship as you progress through the game. The trade-off for this trait is sending 2% of your credits back home every week which isn’t such a bad thing considering the impressive rewards.
Upside: You can visit your parents at their home and gain some useful items including a spaceship as your progress
Downside: You have to send home 2% of your total credits every week
Neon Street Rat

This faction trait has your character associated with the Neon City very early in the game. While Neon is not a faction per se, the city is home to the Ryujin Industries which is a faction. So, it is possible that you’ll be able to align with the faction without too many hassles by choosing this trait. As with other faction traits, this too will end up alienating your character from other factions should you make certain choices and the increased bounty also serves a huge penalty.
Upside: You unlock special dialogue options and rewards in Neon City
Downside: Increased bounty for other factions
Raised Enlightened
This trait aligns your character with the Enlightened. The Enlightened is one of only three religious groups in Starfield. This group believes in humanism and takes a humanitarian approach to all pursuits under the stars. Upon choosing this trait you gain access to a chest full of items unique to the Enlightened. The trade-off here is actually a choice between the two Raised chests and the respective rewards within. Since you can remove traits at any point, this won’t hinder association with other religions either.
Upside: Enlightened Chest with Unique Rewards
Downside: You won’t gain the Universal Chest
Raised Universal
This is the second religious trait and you become a follower of Sanctum Universum, the God people. This group believes that everything in the Universe was created 20 years before the events of Starfield. So, yeah, you gain access to some amazing dialogue options and the Sanctum Universum chest. This, of course, means no Enlightened chest.
Upside: Sanctum Universum Chest
Downside: Lose access to Enlightened Chest
Serpent’s Embrace
This trait aligns you with the House Va’ruun, a group that does what it does because a Great Serpent supposedly commanded so. This is also a fun religious trait that allows several unique dialogue options. Unlike the other two cult-based traits, this one comes with a serious debuff. The advantage of this trait is that during Grav jumps you gain a temporary boost to health and oxygen. But if you don’t do Grav jumps often enough, your health and oxygen become lowered. This is a challenging trait to choose.
Upside: Grav Jumps grant a temporary boost to Health and Oxygen
Downside: If you don’t keep Grav Jumping, you get a Health and Oxygen debuff
This trait makes your character most comfortable when placed within the dark cold embrace of space. When in space your character has increased oxygen and health. Conversely, the ground is not the most hospitable of places for your character so health and oxygen are reduced when on the surface. Starfield has more than enough missions that would make you want to take this trait, but the trade-off seems too steep a price.
Upside: Increased health and oxygen when in space
Downside: Decreased health and oxygen when on the surface
This is a useful ship trait that allows your crew to auto-repair every time the ship’s health goes below 50%. The crew needs to be trained in the ship system to accomplish this though. The downside to this trait is that you’ll need to spend twice the credits to hire all ship crew. The tradeoff with this trait seems fair enough given the real-time advantage gained.
Upside: Crew Autorepairs ship when its condition goes below 50%
Downside: 2X to crew cost
Terra Firma
This is the terrestrial counterpart of the Spaced trait. With this trait, your character has increased health and oxygen on land and a noticeable decrease in those stats while in space. Choosing this trait again is a dilemma since there is a considerable amount of gameplay on the surface of various planets and moons. The advantage here may be substantial, but having a disadvantage in another medium can prove challenging, especially considering how space becomes a crucial part of the gameplay as you progress further down the questline.
Upside: Increased Health and Oxygen on surface
Downside: Deceased Health and Oxygen in space
United Colonies Native
This faction trait aligns you with the United Colonies. You gain access to special dialogue options and unique rewards when dealing with the colonies. The trade-off like with other such traits is that you’ll acquire a higher crime bounty with other factions, reducing your chances of accessing their territories. A huge advantage of picking this trait is that the Colonies are the most well-equipped faction in the game especially in terms of firepower, so you’ll have access to a wider range of weapons and related items.
Upside: More Options and rewards when dealing with United Colonies
Downside: Greater bounty with other factions
With this trait, you start the game with a bounty on your head. The entire playthrough will involve leveled bounty hunters randomly attacking you often when you least expect it. This trait can be quite useful in leveling up faster early game and hopefully getting some useful loot without having to grind. An advantage of this trait is that you do extra damage when your health is low.
Upside: You deal more damage when health is low
Downside: Constant bounty hunter encounters
Our picks for Starfield best traits

Since you get to pick three traits, it is best that you go for a balanced trio that complements the buffs and possibly makes up for all the debuffs. A combination of Kid Stuff, either of the ‘Raised’ traits, and Wanted can make for a very strong build with the fewest debuffs. The Hero Worshipped trait is also a tempting option given the many benefits of having the adoring fan by the side and the dialogue option which can at the very least break the silence while exploring and maybe even prove an enjoyable one if you need that kind of adoration throughout your playthrough.