Darkest Dungeon 2 can get pretty difficult once you really start progressing. Lair bosses like the Librarian provide a unique challenge that requires specific strategies and tactics. Many players beat the Librarian in Darkest Dungeon 2 easily in the past but it’s since been buffed and requires a more systematic approach.
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How to Beat the Librarian in Darkest Dungeon 2

The Librarian in Darkest Dungeon 2 can be beaten but it’s a race against time as it gets stronger as it nears position 1, where it’s the strongest. Initially, the first three positions or ranks will be occupied by books, destroying these books will result in the Librarian moving up a position. Each position that the Librarian moves makes it even stronger.
So your overall strategy should involve using ranged attacks from your back line that can deal decent amounts of damage to the Librarian early in the fight while he is in the back line behind the books and having your front line tank all the damage.
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All Librarian Attacks
Attack | Description |
Burning Bright | Attack that inflicts the Burn effect on all party members. Only triggers after a stack of books gets destroyed. |
Categorize | Apple 1 Stress on any member of your party. Also applies to Burn on a stack of books. |
Ignite | Heals himself for around 24 HP. Only triggers after a stack of books gets destroyed. |
Mandatory Reading | Attack a single hero and inflict the Burn effect on them. |
Page Burner | Applies 1 Stress on any member of your party. Also applies the Burn effect on a stack of books. |
Smokestack | Applies the Blind effect on any member of your party while also dealing some damage. Gains a Dodge token after the attack. |
Strategy and Tips
- The Librarian is going to apply the burn status effect all the time so you must always have a way to remove that status effect.
- Speed is key for this fight as you need to take it down before it starts approaching the front-line positions.
- The Librarian is most weak to the Blight status effect so it will help tremendously to have a Plague Doctor in your party.
- You need to have a way to counter the Librarian Categorize attack so it’s best to have heroes in your party who are immune to forced position changes or can quickly switch up their positions along with other party members like Jester.
- Use heroes with the Taunt skill, otherwise, you will find yourself wasting too many turns just trying to heal your party members and removing the Burn status effect on them whenever the Librarian chooses to attack multiple members at once.
- Ranged attacks are going to be your bread and butter for this fight, so make sure those are buffed up with trinkets.
- Whenever a stack of books is nearing its destruction, make sure you are prepared defensively as this will trigger some powerful attacks from the Librarian as you can see from his attacks list.