There are 14 hero classes in Darkest Dungeon 2, ranging from high-damage dealers to supporting healers. But, you can only choose four heroes to take with you as you jump into the depths of these dark dungeons.
You will need a good mix of versatile heroes who can adapt to any circumstance and emerge as winners. So I have figured out the best team comp in Darkest Dungeon 2 that should be viable in most, if not, all combat situations.
Best Team Comp in Darkest Dungeon 2
Here is the best team composition in Darkest Dungeon 2 starting from Rank 1 to Rank 4:
- Vanguard Man-at-Arms
- Scourge Flagellant
- Virtuoso Jester
- Alchemist Plague Doctor
This team composition covers all your bases as much as possible which will help you achieve your first Grand Slam. Let’s take a look at each of these heroes and why they should be in your best team.
Vanguard Man-at-Arms

Man-at-Arms is by far the best default hero character in the game. He is already very tanky and using the Vanguard path for it gives you a 20% increase in your max HP along with +25% Riposte Skill damage and +50% Crush Skill damage so make sure you get the Crush skill. Man-at-Arms is the best front-line tank in Darkest Dungeon 2 by a long shot which is why we need him in this team comp.
Scourge Flagellant

When it comes to supporting hero characters, the Flagellant with the Scourge Path is going to be my pick for this best team comp in Darkest Dungeon 2. This is somewhat flexible as well, meaning you can also go for the Maniac or the Exanimate path but Scourge gets exceptional support abilities that allow him to heal party members and also remove debuffs, making it the most solid pick.
Also Read: How To Change Party Order in Darkest Dungeon 2
Virtuoso Jester

The Jester is also one of those heroes that you will probably pick from every team comp simply because his kit is undeniably good. The Virtuoso path also gives him a 20% increase in max HP and also an increase in speed which makes this hero very strong since it allows him to attack first. The movement skills of the Jester allow you to move your team positions within combat very easily which comes in very handy in tricky situations.
Alchemist Plague Doctor

The Plague Doctor is going to be the main healer of this team comp. The Alchemist path for him does give you a 20% decrease in max HP but since our Plague Doctor is in the fourth rank, he is likely to not get hit anyway if you play well and keep him secure. In return for that debuff, you get exceptional DoT resistance for all types. The Battlefield Medicine skill alone makes the Plague Doctor essential as it can not only heal but also remove DoT status effects.