Helldivers 2 is a sequel to 2015’s Helldivers, the original start of the bug-smashing democracy we now spread across the galaxy. In the previous title, there were more types of enemies and even a third faction. The Terminids had a big worm-like enemy called the Hive Lord but they seem to be missing in Helldivers 2… or are they?
Are Hive Lords Currently In Helldivers 2?
Hive Lords are not in the game currently in Helldivers 2. However, you can find molts or statues of them around some areas of Terminid-infested planets. This could mean that we see them return in Helldivers 2 in a future update.
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As seen in the discussion on the Reddit post above, these appear to be simply small representations of the enemy. Hive Lords will probably be massive in size compared to the molts found around some planets right now. It is said that Bile Titans are only “medium-sized” when compared to Hive Lords.
In Helldivers 1, Hive Lords are the most powerful Terminid enemy. They often spawn alongside an army of Elite enemies and can use poison attacks. However, they only spawned on certain special high-level planets, so we are yet to see how it works in Helldivers 2.