When you accept or accidentally activate a quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, there’s no telling whether completing it will be easy or difficult. Some of them, such as the Readvent of Calamity quest, can prove quite time-consuming. You access the quest in the town of Melve. Shortly into the quest, you receive your primary objective, which is to find Ulrika.
Where to Find Ulrika in Readvent of Calamity in Dragon’s Dogma 2
If you are working to complete the Readvent of Calamity quest, you will have already saved Melve from a dragon attack. And by the time you’re tasked with finding Ulrika, you know she fled town ahead of a smarmy fellow named Martin. Her flight wasn’t an act of cowardice. She simply wished to prevent the people of Melve from having to pay for her perceived impudence. It’s no wonder Lennart wants you to find her and make sure she is okay. To find Ulrika in the Readvent of Calamity quest, you’ll need reunite with her in Harve Village.

Unfortunately, Melve is a long way from Harve Village. Hopefully, you have already been to the location in question and activated the Portcrystal: Harve Village. If so, you can fast travel to the edge of town. If not, you’ll have to travel the old-fashioned way. Since I wasn’t sure where I was supposed to go, I had one of my pawns lead me. I walked the whole way on foot and didn’t find anything but trouble along the way. Fortunately, you can simply catch an Oxcart from Melve to Vernworth, which gets you around two thirds of the way to your destination. Then, you can travel the rest of the way on foot. The above map screenshot shows the village’s location, in case you’re not familiar with it.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Where to Find the Sorcerer Maister
When you arrive at Harve Village, you may or may not witness a scripted scene. I had already completed a lot of side quests by that point. My previous activity ensured Ulrika made an appearance almost immediately. I found her arguing with the villagers and its leader. This scene may not occur as quickly for you, if you haven’t already cleared a previous side quest in the area called Scaly Invaders. Ulrika’s argument seems to relate events that unfold in that other quest.

The scene with Ulrika concludes when she vows to rally a few villagers and venture into the cave to rescue a missing resident from Stormwind Cave. The cave is right nearby. Just check your map to find it if you’ve forgotten just where it is. The hole that leads underground is easy to miss if you don’t know about where to look for it.
When you arrive underground, you won’t have to venture far to meet up with Ulrika again. Talk to her and initiate the Trouble on the Cape quest. The goal of that secondary quest is to help with the rescue attempt. I suggest that you activate it as your primary quest. That way, you can more easily venture into the cave and locate your target. You’ll have to battle Saurian monsters on the way.

The journey into the cave takes time. By now, you should be comfortable battling the lizard monsters. I mostly play using the Thief vocation. The scaly monsters are easy to grapple, and then I hit them with powerful follow-up attacks while my pawns pelt them with magic. They shouldn’t put up much of a fight, especially if your levels are fairly high.
When you find the villager, escort him back to the surface. Following a scene, the Trouble on the Cape quest concludes. You receive Ferrystone and 6500 G as your reward. Ulrika is standing nearby, so talk to her. That conversation finally satisfies the quest objective that tasked you with finding her. Next, you simply need to return to Melve by whatever means suit you. Upon arriving, meet with Lennart in his house or at the gate (wherever he happens to be when you first arrive). He’ll reward you with 2000 XP, the Ring of Grit, and 4500 G.