Where are the bombs located in the Elephant mission of Ready or not? The Elephant is one of the most intense and heart-wrenching missions in Void Interactive’s recent tactical shooter. In Elephant, which is the 11th mission of the game, you are charged with defusing a hostile situation at a suburban high school, where two armed students have opened fire on their classmates and teachers.
This nerve-wracking mission is inspired by the unfortunate Columbine High School Massacre of 1999 and you, as a SWAT team leader, are tasked with disarming the bombs, dealing with armed hostiles, and saving the hostages.
Possible Elephant Bomb Locations In Ready Or Not

Elephant bombs in Ready or Not can spawn at seven possible locations. In the mission, you are tasked with disarming two bombs. This means, that out of seven possible locations, you will find bombs at any two locations. Hence, you must ensure that you scout the entire building thoroughly, put special emphasis on the below-mentioned seven locations, and disarm the bombs wherever you find them.
Possible Elephant bomb locations in Ready or Not are:
- Lecture Hall
- Computer Room (situated next to the Lecture Hall)
- A table in the Cafe (you have to search every table in the Cafeteria thoroughly)
- Stairway on the far side of the map
- A table in the Chemistry Room
- A classroom on the top floor (situated in the East Wing)
- A table that can be found by going through green doors on the second floor
Tips For Completing The Elephant Mission In Ready Or Not
- Plan your entry strategically. Before starting the mission, study the map carefully, and assess the entry points that can lead to a quiet entry, without spooking the armed hostiles. Assign the roles to your team and set up perimeter security.
- After setting up a strong perimeter security, ensure the hostiles do not escape or cause any more damage. Use a mirror gun to check around corners and doors for hostiles.
- While dealing with armed hostiles is essential, your priority should be locating and defusing the bombs. Systematically comb the entire building for bombs, and use a bomb defusal kit to disarm any live bombs that you find.
- When you are looking for bombs, chances are that you will come across several hostages, make sure that you rescue them. Contact your team members when you come across a hostage and arrange for their safe rescue.