Enotria The Last Song is a Soulslike game that invites players into a world filled with challenging quests and puzzles. Among these, Bargniff presents players with riddles that must be solved in order to advance through the game. Players are tasked with figuring out Bargniff’s Locations throughout the game and to do that they need to solve the riddles he presents, each requiring specific masks to answer. To help you progress smoothly, we have designed this article offering all of Bargniff’s Locations in Enotria The Last Song, and the solutions to his riddles.
In This Post
First Bargniff’s Location & Riddle Answer

To begin the journey with Bargniff, head to the Clocktower Knot in Letumnia. This is where you will first encounter the frog.
Before speaking with him, make sure to equip the ‘Piercing Wit Mask’, which is essential for solving his first riddle.
The Riddle
Once you approach Bargniff, he’ll present his first puzzle: “Brains not brawn define you. You slice, you dice, but never flesh. Who are you?”
How To Obtain The Piercing Wit Mask

The answer is linked to the mask you are wearing. With the Piercing Wit Mask equipped, interacting with Bargniff will solve the riddle. It is one of the two masks given to players during the game’s tutorial.
After solving this riddle, Bargniff will teleport deeper into the city, leaving you to find him again for the next puzzle.
Second Bargniff’s Location & Riddle Answer

After solving the first riddle, Bargniff relocates to Highborn Street.
To reach him, cross the bridge where an Automaton enemy stands and head up a narrow staircase. You need to continue straight, bypassing the larger staircase on your right. Fight through your enemies until you cross a bridge over a small canal. Bargniff will appear near a path on the side.
The Riddle
Bargniff’s second riddle is: “In ruby robes, you fervently implore, devotion unyielding, her voice you await. Who are you desperate one?”
How To Obtain The Vermiglio’s Mask

To solve it, you’ll need to equip the Vermiglio’s Mask. You can find this mask after defeating Vermiglio in the Monastery of Maja. Once you’ve equipped the mask and spoken to Bargniff, the second riddle will be solved. The frog will then once again move to another location for the final riddle.
Third / Final Bargniff’s Location & Riddle Answer

For the third and final riddle, you will need to find Bargniff in the Mines of Gratia.
If you haven’t yet unlocked this location, head to the Mines of Gratia Knot. Then, drop down the cliff and proceed to the left. Fight your way through a few enemies and continue along the stone path.
You will reach an open area with a small body of water. If you have already defeated the Master Gondolier, you can speak to Bargniff without any interruptions. Otherwise, you will need to take down this mini-boss to proceed.
The Riddle
Bargniff’s third riddle is: “Through winding waterways, your vessel glides, in a city of bridges, where secrets reside. Who are you?”
How To Obtain The Gondolier’s Mask

The answer to his third riddle is Gondolier’s Mask. To obtain this mask, you’ll need to collect 200 shards dropped by Gondolier enemies. The best place to farm these shards is at the Liutmnia Docks, where you would have first encountered these enemies.
What Happens After Solving Bargniff’s Riddles In Enotria The Last Song?
Once you’ve equipped the Gondolier’s Mask and spoken to Bargniff, he’ll instruct you to ‘proceed.’ This will allow you to interact with a nearby boat and access a hidden area.
You can find the boat at the location where you encountered him for the final time in the Mines of Gratia. This boat will transport you to the Forgotten Depths, a hidden area filled with new challenges and secrets. To proceed, you’ll need to walk forward along the path in front of the Litho to complete this part of the quest.
Once you do, you will find that Litho has moved to a room within the Theater of the Masks, recognizable by the cliff inside. This will mark the continuation of your journey in Enotria: The Last Song, unlocking further adventures.
The game has several interesting NPCs and side quests; and we have put up a guide on Adso In Enotria – whether to Agree or Disagree at one key point in his questline.