There are numerous challenges, side quests, and tasks in Final Fantasy 16. The game takes place in Valisthea, a world divided into six nations ruled by strong magical creatures known as Eikons. The plot follows Clive Rosfield, the Archduke of Rosaria’s firstborn son, as he protects his younger brother Joshua and seeks revenge on the evil Eikons who destroyed his country. This article will walk you through the Final Fantasy 16 chapter list.
How many chapters does Final Fantasy 16 have?
Final Fantasy 16 features 68 chapters that follow Clive on his journey. Within the world of Valisthea, the story is separated into three eras. Before the last chapter, the game reaches a point of no return.
Here is the complete list of Final Fantasy 16 chapters, in the chronological order.
Final Fantasy 16 Chapter List
1. A Flame Summoned
2. To Kill a Dominant
3. Pride
4. Sunrise, Sunset
5. Lost in a Fog
6. Flight of a Fledgling
7. A Chance Encounter
8. Hide, Hideaway
9. Fanning Embers
10. Louder than Words
11. The Dead of Night
12. Headwind
13. Wings of Change
14. Awakening
15. The Wages of Guilt
16. The Hunter and the Hunted
17. Homecoming
18. Building Bridges
19. A Bearer’s Lot
20. Holding On
21. Back in the Day
22. Buried Memories
23. The Meaning of Life
24. Righting Wrongs
25. The Dame
26. The Crystals’ Curse
27. Cid the Outlaw
28. Home, Sweet Home
29. The Gathering Storm
30. Dark Clouds Gather
31. Release
32. Bloodlines
33. Black Light Burns
34. Black or White
35. Here Be Monsters
36. Fire and Ice
37. After the Storm
38. Capital Punishment
39. Bolts from the Blue
40. Getting to Work
41. Riddle of the Sands
42. Follow the Crystals
43. Into the Darkness
44. Out of the Shadow
45. Letting off Steam I
46. Letting off Steam II
47. Letting off Steam III
48. Onward
49. To Catch a Thief
50. Blood from the Stones
51. Fire in the Sky
52. Things Fall Apart
53. Why We Fight
54. The Flames of War
55. Down the Rabbit Hole
56. Cloak and Dagger
57. Evenfall
58. A Song of Hope
59. Like Father, Like Daughter
60. Full Steam
61. Through the Maelstrom
62. Across the Narrow
63. Footfalls in Ash
64. The Last King
65. Brotherhood
66. Streets of Madness
67. Back to Their Origin
68. Of Gods and Men
Also read: Final Fantasy 16 best abilities to unlock first
What is the length of the main story in Final Fantasy 16?
The main story of Final Fantasy 16 takes approximately 30-35 hours to finish. However, collecting every item, opening every chest, and finishing orchestrions might take up to 70 hours of playtime.
If you skip cutscenes, you can finish the game in 25 hours, but keep in mind that the majority of the important details are delivered through cutscenes. After completing the game, a New Game Plus mode is available, which includes additional challenges such as the Chronolith Trials.