This guide explores all the hidden Waterborne Poetry character locations in Genshin Impact 4.1, as well as a few easter eggs and new optional NPC interactions. Waterborne Poetry is the flagship event of Genshin Impact’s 4.1 version, where players are called upon to participate in the celebration of friendship through poetry sharing. The poetry gala in this in-game event is hosted by representative NPCs from the Mondstadt and Liyue regions.
The following characters will be available for interaction until the end of this event. So you will have until Oct 30, 2023, to hunt them down and interact with them.
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Waterborne Poetry Event: Games & Rewards
During the Waterborne Poetry event, you will have to complete the following three games:
- Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites
- Inspiration Eruption
- Mending Painting Prospects
After you complete all three games, you will be rewarded with the following in-game items:
- x990 Primogems
- Crown of Insight
- Ballad of the Boundless Blue weapon (along with its refining materials)
After you complete this event in Genshin Impact, you can find various NPCs and characters, such as Venti, Xiao, and Hu Tao. It is important to note that you can have interesting new interactions with various NPCs both during and after the Waterborne Poetry event. Once you complete the event, you can get bonus interactions with some of the key NPCs.
Genshin Impact: Waterborne Poetry Character Locations
Once you complete the first Waterborne Poetry event (Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites), you can have a chat with Venti. there are two locations where you can come across Venti.
- You can find this Bard of Mondstadt near the Southwest of the Stone Gate Waypoint in Liyue.
- You can also find Venti & Hu Tao in the Wangshu Inn after the first event has been completed.
Callirhoe (Singing Voice Only)
In order to interact with this Spring Fairy’s song, you will need to follow these steps:
- Complete the second Waterborne Poetry event (Inspiration Eruption)
- Teleport to Springvale southern waypoint
- Head south towards the edge of the cliff
- Once near the cliff, you will be able to hear Callirhoe singing a happy song
Note: The song can’t be heard until you complete the second event. Furthermore, don’t expect to actually see the Fairy. Once you reach the edge of the cliff, an option called ‘Listen’ will pop up.
Hu Tao
There are two separate instances where you can encounter this funeral director in Genshin Impact.

- After completing the ‘Heart of the Depths’ questline, you can find Hu Tao and Jifang having a heated discussion north of the Liyue Toy Shop. In this discussion, you can find Hu Tao trying to scam Jifang into letting her sell his new poetry books. While you cannot personally interact with either, you can witness this funny conversation that showcases the funeral director’s whimsical personality.
- After completing the first Waterborne Poetry event (Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites), you can interact with Hu Tao at the Wangshu Inn.
After completing the entire Waterborne Poetry event, you can stumble upon Xiao near the north of the eastern Lisha fast-travel waypoint, standing on a small cliff near the Pervases Temple. If you engage in a conversation with him, he will tell you about the inspiration he gained by traveling throughout the country during the Waterborne Poetry event.

To find Xiao’s poem, you can take the following steps:
- Go to the Pervases Temple and meet Anemo Adepti.
- After the conversation with the Anemo Adepti is finished, travel westward, toward the offering shed.
- Ask Wang Ping’an for a few sticks of Fine Incense.
- Offer the Fine Incense at the offering table in the shed.
- You will find Xiao’s poem on the same table .

Note: You will first have to help fix the temple, in order to find the poem Xiao has written for his fellow Yakshas. If you haven’t fixed the temple, the poem can be found near the statue on the ground.
Old Finch
During the Waterborne Poetry event, Old Finch can be found in two different locations:

- During the third event (Mending Painting Prospects), you can find Old Finch at the Springvale southern waypoint.
- Before or after the third event, you can find him southeast of the northern Springvale waypoint.
Note: Old Finch can only be found during the daytime. If you have reached the respective waypoints and still can’t find him, you will have to keep adjusting the in-game clock until he shows up.