While No Rest for the Wicked has a plethora of enemies trying to take you down, nothing can be as challenging as the first boss of the game. Going by the name Warrick the Torn, the first boss of the ARPG is an extremely challenging encounter. You’ll run into Warrick when trying to reach Sacrament, and you need to defeat this deadly monster in order to progress and continue your adventures.
Beating Warrick the Torn In No Rest for the Wicked

To beat Warrick the Torn you need enough healing supplies, a powerful weapon, good armor, and utilize your parry and dodges to avoid getting hit. Warrick is a very speedy boss who does powerful attacks, so you need to look for some openings and attack within that quick time frame to chip off his health bar bit by bit.
Dodging to the side will make sure you do not hit his body and stop your dodging action in the process. You also have to stock up on healing items (preferably mushroom soup) so that you can quickly consume them when needed in the battle.
Read More: How to Open Cerim’s Crucible Door in No Rest for the Wicked
Tips for Defeating Warrick the Torn In No Rest for the Wicked
- Healing – Mushroom Soup is the best early-game healing item you can make before your fight with Warrick the Torn. You just need mushrooms and herbs to make them and they can heal as well as give a small health boost to your character.
- Parry – Using parry is very essential in this Warrick battle. When you find this boss swinging in your direction, you need to hit Parry to make him stagger backward. This will give you enough time to get a few hits in before the boss regains composure.
- Dodge – Dodge is yet another essential action you need to perform often in this boss fight. Whenever you find Warrick swinging in your direction or lunges at you, dodge to the side to avoid serious damage and retaliate with a quick sword swing or two.
- Stamina – Keeping track of your stamina is of utmost importance in this Warrick boss fight. Any action like parry, dodge, and attack will deplete your stamina in the game. So, you need to carry stamina potions and conserve stamina as much as possible. Try to step back from Warrick the Torn, and go as far away from him as the arena lets you regain a bit of stamina back.
- Items to Carry – Other than some healing food items and stamina potions you can carry Blade Oil to increase your physical damage and Bombs as throwables to attack the boss from a distance.
- Armor and Weapon – Since the battle is stamina-dependent, your best bet at winning is equipping lightweight armor (lower weight class) which does not deplete much of your stamina bar during movement. For weapons, try a single-handed sword and use a shield to block his attacks.
After successfully defeating Warrick the Torn the game rewards you with a few resources, some money, and a Legendary Greatsword known as Corpse Smeared Blade.