A lot of the quests you undertake in Dragon’s Dogma 2 have pretty dark undertones. Where the Hearth Is doesn’t prove the exception to that rule, exactly. But it does offer some moments of respite that you won’t want to miss if you’ve gotten to know and appreciate Ulrika. Here is how to complete Home Is Where the Hearth Is in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Complete Home Is Where the Hearth Is
The Home Is Where the Hearth Is quest takes place between two primary locations: Melve and Harve Village. You’ll spend most of your time in the former of those two locations. To complete Home Is Where the Hearth Is, you must help the people Ulrika left behind in Melve mount a resistance against occupying troops.

You will start working on Home Is Where the Hearth Is before you even realize it. Sometime after you complete the Readvent of Calamity side quest, you should visit the village again. You will find it is now occupied by troops from Vernworth. They tell you to leave, that you’re not welcome. If you visit the village and don’t get that hostile reception, you may need to advance the main plot further. I had completed An Unsettling Encounter, which includes references to troops “securing Melve.” You may have to do the same thing.
Also Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Where to Find Ulrika in Readvent of Calamity
There’s not much point in approaching any of the soldiers standing guard. However, you can head off to the right of where the soldiers are posted and climb over a low wall. Once you gain access to the village, you’re free to roam the streets. You’ll witness the guards being cruel to the citizens. Your entry into the village officially kicks off the first quest. You are directed to meet with Lennart.

When you find Lennart holed up in his house near the back of the village, he explains the situation. The villagers would like to leave, but they need weapons to make their escape. You are the only one who might be able to secure them. You need to find four blades. It’s possible you are carrying that many in your inventory already and can simply turn them over to the villagers. However, there are other weapons readily available. I suggest that you take advantage of that fact.
Leave Lennart’s house. Then start back toward the entrance of the town. Follow the dirt road and you should see a guard posted outside a house to your left. To the right, you may also spot two brothers. They are Ian and Norbert, who you hopefully assisted in the previous side quest, Brothers Brave and Timid. If you assisted them at that time, they now propose that they create a distraction so you can grab weapons from the guarded shack.

When the Ian and Norbert create the diversion, wait for two guards to pursue the brothers. Then, quickly head into the house and check the three treasure chests. Between the three chests, you’ll obtain three Trusty Sword weapons and one Iron Sword. Then it’s time to return to Lennart’s house a short distance uphill.
Once you turn over the weapons, there is a knock at the door. The soldiers have come to eliminate Lennart. Outside the house, Lennart and his allies will battle a mob of soldiers. You are one of those allies, so be ready to fight. The soldiers hit pretty hard, even if your levels are high. However, you don’t have to eliminate them. Just chip away at their life meters, one at a time. Don’t let them swarm you. Eventually, they’ll surrender and retreat.

After you defeat the soldiers, Lennart tells you he plans to take the residents to Harve Village. You’ve been there before and can probably use a Ferrystone to return quickly, if you like. I caught an Oxcart back to Vernworth, and then I traveled the rest of the way to Harve Village on foot. I like to save fast travel items for when I really need them, given how rare they are.
When you reach Harve Village, follow the quest marker to the docks on the far end of the village. There, you’ll find Ulrika waiting. She is grateful to you for the work you have completed on behalf of the villagers. She invites you to return to see her again that night. Nearby, there is a bench where you can rest and advance time as needed, until it is dark. Then, see Ulrika again. You’ll witness a new scene and then you receive a hefty reward: 12000 G, the Ring of Reassurance, and 2200 XP.