If you want to capture every Pal in the Paldeck and travel to every little corner of Palworld’s giant map, you will need Fast Travel to help you out on the journey. Fast Traveling in Palworld will let you teleport to locations on the map in the blink of an eye without exhausting your Flying Pal or your character’s stamina.
How To Unlock Fast Travel In Palworld
To unlock Fast Travel in Palworld, just go up to any Great Eagle Statue and activate it. This will unlock that particular area’s fast travel option on your map. You can easily spot possible fast travel locations on the map since they glow orange before activation.
Once the fast travel statues are activated, they will glow blue indicating that the area can be travelled to. You need to personally go to every statue and activate them if you want to Fast Travel throughout the Palpargos Island with ease.

Related: How To Get Paldium Fragments In Palworld
Another Fast Travel method is to build a Pal Box on your base to access the fast travel points on the map and travel by pressing the C button on your Keyboard (B for Controller). Just make sure to always be prepared if you’re planning to venture into any dangerous locations.