At the start of No Rest for the Wicked, you’ll find yourself with nothing but your own two fists to fend off any enemies that come along. However, after some searching, you can find a simple sword or some daggers. This initial weapon will likely be your only choice until you start killing more enemies, opening locked doors, and meeting new NPCs. If you’re trying to play a more ranged character in No Rest for the Wicked, you might be on the lookout for a Bow, which is not easy to locate in Isola.
Finding a Bow in No Rest for the Wicked
Fortunately, you can find your first Bow fairly quickly in No Rest for the Wicked. All you need to do is find an NPC named Fillmore, who is also how you repair your gear after it has lost some durability. Fillmore is located within the Mariner’s Keep region of the map, which is to the northeast of the starting Shallows area.
Fillmore’s location requires you to use the Mess Hall Key to unlock a door. The Mess Hall Key is located on a dead body that’s near a ledge, as seen below.

Once you have the Mess Hall Key, go to Fillmore’s location, which is indicated by a large red rug and burning fireplace, and kill the three enemies that are surrounding him. After the enemies are dealt with, speak with Fillmore and you’ll be able to access his shop.
Fillmore’s shop contains a single Short Bow, which can be purchased for 1 Silver Coin and 32 Bronze Coins. If you decide to purchase the Bow, it’s added to your inventory and you can equip it onto your character, but only if you meet the correct requirements.
Using the Bow in No Rest for the Wicked
To equip the Bow, you need to have 13 Intelligence, which can be achieved by leveling up that specific stat after your character has reached a new level. If you have 13 Intelligence, you can click on the Bow in your inventory to equip it and use it as your primary weapon.
With the Bow as your weapon, you can attack with it the same way as a sword. Of course, you’ll need to be standing somewhat far away from enemies to effectively use the Bow, as it’s a ranged weapon. I also recommend turning on the “Auto-Target Enemies” option in the Gameplay settings of No Rest for the Wicked when using the Bow, as this makes it much easier to hit enemies when aiming.
The rest of the process is up to you, as it takes a while to fully master the Bow and understand how to use it in the best way. For more No Rest for the Wicked, check out our dedicated page on the new ARPG.