Being one of the most valuable forageable items in Coral Island, Titan Arum sells for a decent profit. However, that’s not all there is to this flower; honey made from Titan Arum can also be sold to the market if you want to get rich quickly in the game.
Where To Find Titan Arum In Coral Island

Titan Arum can be found in different areas of the Forest in Coral Island including the higher and lower parts during the Fall season. The best places to look for are near the caves/mines, the outer pathway that leads your farm to the Giant Village, the area near Ben’s Caravan, and above the rice fields.
Since its spawn rate is on the lower side, your best bet of getting one is if you search the forageable locations every day and clear out the grass and shrubs that might block the land.
Also Read: How To Grow Orchid In Coral Island
Once you get a hold of one Titan Arum, you can put it inside a Bee House to produce Titan Arum honey. The Titan arum honey can be sold for about 2500 gold coins (base price) and is one of the required items for the Temple Offerings in Coral Island.
Other than that, the flower is also a well-liked gift by all the NPCs except Charles and Yuri.