The Age Old Bond auto rifle is a powerful weapon in Destiny 2 known for its high impact frame and versatility in PvE modes. While the auto rifle is exclusive to The Last Wish raid, there is also a way to craft it. This guide covers all the methods to get your hands on the Age Old Bond.
Getting Age Old Bond in Destiny 2
Age Old Bond auto rifle can be obtained by participating in the Last Wish raid, which is the part of the Foresaken expansion. Here are all the methods to collect the rifle through this raid:

- Encounter Drops: Finishing any encounter within the Last Wish raid has a chance of rewarding you with the Age Old Bond. This includes clearing objectives and defeating bosses.
- Through Chests: There are two secret chests hidden within the Last Wish raid that contain the auto rifle. However, it is a more elaborate process and relatively time consuming.
- Farming Kalli: Wait for the Last Wish to be featured as raid of the week in Destiny 2. Now, engage with Kalli, the Deathsinger. There is a high chance of Kalli dropping the Age Old Bond. If not, you can go for repeated runs until you get the weapon.
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Crafting Age Old Bond in Destiny 2
With the introduction of the weapon crafting system in Season of the Deep, it is now possible to craft Age Old Bond in Destiny 2. However, you need to unlock the Resonant pattern of the weapon. Here’s how to craft Age Old Bond:
- Pick up the O Deepsight Mine quest from Suraya Hawthorne in the Tower.
- Complete the Last Wish raid to get a red border Age Old Bond from the quest reward.
- Dismantle the red border Age Old Bond to extract resources and unlock the resonant pattern of the weapon.
- Once the resonant pattern is unlocked, head to the Enclave on Mars.
- You can now finally craft the Age Old Bond.