If you’re also looking to get some battery-powered machines on your farm and need some help figuring out how to go about it, then look no further. This guide has all the information you’ll need to get batteries in Coral Island.
How To Make Battery In Coral Island

Batteries cannot be normally crafted in Coral Island, they can only be produced from Solar Panels every 3 in-game days. After you have leveled up your Diving skill to level 7 in the game, you can craft a solar panel and set it down anywhere on your farm to charge and produce batteries.
Another unusual way of gathering batteries is to break apart a satellite meteor with your pickaxe. You will often find these satellites crashed onto your farmland in Starlet Town.
Batteries can also be bought in the shop on Beach Cleanup Day and in the Laboratory once your Town rank has reached B grade.
Related: Coral Island: How To Get Sprinkler III
How To Make Solar Panels In Coral Island

To make Solar Panels, you first need level 7 in Diving skills on Coral Island. This will unlock the crafting recipe for solar panels in the game and you will be able to make one using the following ingredients:
- 20x Scrap
- 3x Gold bar
- 20x Glass
If you plan on making lots of battery-powered machines like the auto feeder, auto petter, etc., you need lots of Solar Panels on your farm to produce sufficient amounts of batteries. Just place them in the desired location and wait 3 days to get the battery.
That’s all you need to know about batteries in Coral Island. For more Coral Island stuff, check out how to catch Yellow Moray Eel in the game or find the location of the Garden Lane in Coral Island.