The Black Dragon Scale is a super important reward item and one of the key resources for upgrading Sigils in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Not to be confused with ordinary dragon scales, the Black Dragon Scale is obtained by defeating the powerful boss Evyl Blackwyrm.
How Do I Get Black Dragon Scale In Granblue Fantasy Relink?

You can get the Black Dragon Scale by defeating the Evyl Blackwyrm boss in the Proud mode of “Into The Abyss” quest.
Once you obtain one Black Dragon Scale through boss quests, the item will appear in Seiro’s Knickknack Shack and can be exchanged for 5 Silver Dalia Badges. You can also trade 5 ordinary dragon scales to get one Black Dragon Scale from Seiro’s shop.
But, before you can even defeat the Black Dragon and obtain one of its scales, you need to unlock the “Into The Abyss” in proud mode.
Note: Proud mode for all quests is unlocked after you have reached the endgame.
How To Unlock Into The Abyss Quest In Granblue Fantasy Relink
To unlock the Into the Abyss Proud quest, you need to complete all previous Proud quests in the quest list. The quests are as follows:
- Blazing Trial
- The Final Report
- Grounded Trial
- Stormy Trial
- Frigid Trial
- Worst Vacation Ever
- Trade Barriers
- Melting Pot of Hostility
- Banquet of Ice and Corpses
- For a Freer Folca
- A Quest of Fire and Earth
- A Quest of Frost and Storm
Completing these quests will unlock both the boss fights for the Black and White Dragon. Both white and black dragons drop their own scales after being defeated in battle, which you can use for upgrading Sigils in Granblue Fantasy Relink.