In Palworld, coal is essential in creating some of the more powerful items in the game, such as Refined Ingots. If you are wondering how to find Coal in Palworld, you will have to be prepared to travel across certain biomes.
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Where To Find Coal In Palworld

You find minable rocks of Coal in the desert biome in Palworld. The desert biome can be found northwest from the default starting location. The big minable rocks of Coal spawn in the desert biome similar to regular minable stone rocks that you find everywhere.
You will need a Metal Pickaxe to mine Coal and a Tropical Outfit to survive the hot temperatures of the desert biome. You should also make sure you have a good mount or two for the journey. Having an unlocked fast travel point nearby will help a lot.

Also Read: 12 Palworld Tips & Tricks For Beginners
How To Craft Metal Pickaxe In Palworld

After unlocking it from the Technology tree, Metal Pickaxe can be crafted at the High Quality Workbench using these resources:
- Stone x15
- Wood x20
- Ingot x5
Stone and Wood can be found as basic resources everywhere. To get Ingot, you will need to smelt Ore in a Primitive Furnace, which also requires a Pal working at the base with the Kindling skill to operate (Fire Pal).
How To Craft Tropical Outfit In Palworld

To get the Tropical Outfit, you will need to unlock it via the Technology tree and then craft it using these resources at the High Quality Workbench:
- Cloth x3
- Flame Organ x2
Cloth can be made from Wool at the Primitive Workbench or higher. Flame Organs are found as a drop from defeating Fire-type Pals in the wild.
Using the Tropical outfit, you will no longer have the debuff for the hot temperatures in the desert biome. This will allow you to mine Coal faster and more efficiently.
Also Read: Palworld Technology List