The first ever Aggressive Frame Fusion Rifle in Destiny is the Coriolis Force and it still holds up as a solid PvE weapon. Getting a god roll for this weapon is really the only viable option though as there are many other Fusion Rifles that will perform better. If you want to try your hand at pulling a god roll for it, here is how you can find the Coriolis Force in Destiny 2.
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How to Find Coriolis Force in Destiny 2

Coriolis Force in Destiny 2 can be found as a random loot drop while doing Europa activities. These involve doing things like regular missions and Varik’s bounties and quests. It can take quite a while to grind these activities on Europa to get this rifle to drop.
Being an Aggressive Frame Fusion Rifle, the Coriolis Force has a horizontal volley that can be shot by charging the weapon before firing it. It also gets a special perk called Liquid Coils that will make the weapon charge up slower but in exchange give higher damage to the fully charged shots.
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Coriolis Force PvP God Roll
While this gun is better for PvE, it can still be used in PvP as a fun and unique weapon with its charging mechanic. These perks and mods will create the perfect combination for a fight in the Crucible.
Barrel | Corkscrew Rifling (Stability +5, Range +5, Handling +5) |
Battery | Ionized Battery (Magazine +2, Reload Speed -20) |
Perk 1 | Ambitious Assassin (Overflows the magazine based on the number of rapid kills before reloading) |
Perk 2 | One For All (Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration) |
Masterwork | Charge Time |
The Charge Time Masterwork plays a critical role in the PvP build since the charge time otherwise is way too slow for a multiplayer match against real players who are able to shoot you down faster than you can charge your weapon. Ambitious Assasin also helps keep your magazines stacked during back-to-back engagements.
Coriolis Force PvE God Roll
The PvE god roll is really what you need to gunning for. This god roll for the Coriolis Force makes it a powerful and fun Fusion Rifle. It is centered around close-range engagements and utilizes the gun’s unique horizontal shooting pattern.
Barrel | Small Bore (+7 Range, +7 Stability) |
Battery | Liquid Coils (Increases impact damage, slower charge time) |
Perk 1 | Feeding Frenzy (Each rapid kill with this weapon progressively increases reload speed for a short time) |
Perk 2 | One For All (Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration) |
Masterwork | Range |
The One For All perk works even better with the PvE build since you will often find yourself shooting into groups of enemies which will then constantly keep your damage numbers increased. It also pairs really well with our other perk on this PvE god roll which is Feeding Frenzy.