As the Arisen, you are the hero of most people you meet in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You’ll complete quests on their behalf, and in general you do good deeds. Sometimes, though, you have opportunities to give in to darker, greedier impulses, like when you want to get the best rewards for completing the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – How to Get the Best Rewards in Hunt for the Jadeite Orb
The Jadeite Orb is a valuable artifact, and a couple of characters will ask you to help them acquire it. At first, it seems like you can only please one of them. However, some shady dealings will allow you to send both characters away satisfied. To get the best rewards in Hunt for the Jadeite Orb, produce a forgery and pass it off as the real thing.

The Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest first appears when you visit Checkpoint Rest Town, which you reach most conveniently by an Oxcart ride from Vernworth. When you arrive and start exploring, you should quickly run into a couple of characters not far from the town’s entrance: Offulve and Everard.
Also Read: Where to Find Gold Ore for The Gift of Giving in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Jadeite Orb is available to buy in Checkpoint Rest Town. Just visit Ibrahim’s Scrap Store, located on the lower level near the back of town. He sells the item for 7500 G. However, he only sells one orb. If you’re going to please both Offulve and Everard, you must get tricky. To do so, simply talk to Ibrahim and chose the Request a forgery option. He charges varying prices, depending on what you need to forge. Some items will be an exact match. Some items will fool only the casual observer. Ibrahim wants 2000 G to forge the Jadeite Orb.
After you agree to Ibrahim’s terms, leave and go rest somewhere overnight. There is a bench not far away where you can pass time, for instance. Then return to the shop. If you have waited long enough, you will see the Take forgery option appear on the menu. I actually visited several times and wondered why he didn’t tell me the item was ready. There is no dialog prompt upon your initial arrival. Once you take your forged item, you receive the Jadeite Orb and the Imitation Jadeite Orb items.

Giving Away the Two Jadeite Orbs
Head back to the town’s entrance and look around to find Offulve. He is the fellow with the large pack on his back and a face that resembles a lion. Select the option to Give the forgery and select it from your inventory. The grateful dupe will hand over a reward: 3000 G. Given what you paid for the forgery, you just came out 1000 G ahead.
Now you should Give the genuine article to Everard. He offers a more handsome reward, but first he will ask to verify that you have handed over the actual Jadeite Orb. He leads you to Ibrahim, and then leaves briefly while the appraisal takes place. In theory, this would be a time to sway Ibrahim, if you had tried to pass off a forgery. Thankfully, you have not. Everard will return shortly and pay you your reward: 12000 G and the Ring of Skullduggery.
Now you know how to get both rewards while completing The Hunt for the Jadeite Orb. Whether you choose to actually put the plan to work is up to you. I feel a bit guilty about it, myself, and one of my pawns expressed a similar sentiment. The game doesn’t punish you for being greedy (and even seems to encourage it), so act as you see fit.