You will need prim and proper gear for all your ghost hunts in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Being an RPG, Banishers gives you all the necessary tools to upgrade your gear before the next big fight. But the resources may be hard to come by.
How Do I Upgrade Gear In Banishers Ghosts of New Eden?

The ability to upgrade your gear will be unlocked when Red visits the first shelter in Banishers. After that, simply select the Inventory option from the menu and choose your desired piece of equipment to upgrade.
The upgradable equipment are:
- Outfit
- Saber & Firebane
- Rifle
- Decoction
- Amulet
- Wristband
- Brooch
- Bane Ring
Your first shelter visit will occur after the “End of the Earth” main story quest in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. After that, you can visit a shelter any time you want to upgrade your gear, weapons, or amulet. You can also take a rest at this shelter to recharge your Decoctions over time.
Also Read: Is Banishers Ghosts Of New Eden Open World?
Every upgrade will require lots of resources which are listed below the items in the upgrade menu. Early game upgrades require lots of wildlife flora and fauna that can be collected while venturing into the Forest. But late-game upgrades do require rarer resources.
Remember that wild resources will respawn if you travel far away. So, make sure to visit a certain area from time to time to maximize your drops. Stronger enemies have a chance of dropping better loot items for upgrade as well.