Gamers all over the world have been trying to find the possible Payday 3 matchmaking error fix that could finally let us play the game. The title has been in hot waters immediately after its release due to matchmaking issues players have been facing during the online mode.
If you’re also getting these online matchmaking errors and want the Payday 3 matchmaking error fix that could potentially save your game, we are here to shed some light on possible solutions.
Payday 3 Matchmaking Error Fix: The Cause Behind the Error

The most probable explanation might just possibly be server issues from the game’s side. But you can rest assured that the dev teams are working on a Payday 3 matchmaking error fix. According to their recent X (tweet), Payday 3 is still working on stabilizing the matchmaking services, but some lucky players are able to get back into the game.
Players are once again able to get back in the game, but the team is still working on stabilising the matchmaking services.
— PAYDAY 3 (@PAYDAYGame) September 25, 2023
There could be server-side problems, game maintenance, or internet issues booting you out of Payday 3’s lobby every time you are trying an online heist. But there are a few things you could try to resolve this error on your end.
Payday 3 Matchmaking Error Fix: All Solutions That Could Work

1. Restart your game
If you are getting online matchmaking issues, try restarting your game. Sometimes restarting can work like a charm. You can also try reinstalling Payday 3 to see if it helps.
2. Restart your system
Whether you are on PC, Xbox, or PS5, try turning your system off and then on, once again. Restarting your PC/console might fix your online matchmaking troubles.
3. Check Internet and WiFi Connections
This is the most obvious Payday 3 matchmaking error fix that actually makes sense. You might be completely unaware that your internet or WiFi connections are out.
So make sure everything is plugged in and your internet is up and running. A quick internet speed test can also let you know if your connection is high-speed and optimal for gaming or not. You can also check your antivirus/firewall to see if it’s blocking the Payday 3 application. Finally, try using a VPN to try out other server locations.
4. Turn off crossplay
Payday 3 matchmaking error Fix
byu/Grand-Reception-4734 inpaydaytheheist
Reddit user Grand-Reception-4734 has found a quirky Payday 3 matchmaking error fix for you to try. The user claims that turning off Crossplay has worked wonders for this issue. But you do have to keep in mind that this solution might not work for everyone.
Also, keep an eye out for any future announcements regarding server restarts or fixes on the game’s official X account. You can also check Reddit for updates regarding this server issue.
5. Temporary Solution
If you’re tired of the countless trials and errors for the ultimate Payday 3 matchmaking error fix, you can always opt for a mod as a workaround. The Payday 3 offline mod can let you play the game in a server-free offline mode till the game is fixed.
How did you fix your Payday 3 matchmaking? Let us know in the comments below!