The Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a powerful enemy that possesses significant spellcasting abilities. Also known as the Beholder, you encounter the Spectator in the first act of the game. It is a giant monster with a humongous cyclops-like eye and multiple eyes on its tendrils.
This is a particularly difficult boss to beat, as it possesses the ability to deal severe damage and multiple status effects on you as well as the rest of your party in the same round. It can petrify you or your party members, which can render them useless for a few rounds. Furthermore, the Baldur’s Gate 3 Spectator boss can unleash a spell that can turn the members of your party against you, leaving you with additional enemies to hold off and deal with.
Where to find the Spectators in Baldur’s Gate 3?
There are two Spectators in the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3. One of them is completely optional while beating the second one is essential for story progression. You can encounter the optional Spectator when you complete the quest – Find the Missing Shipment. This quest is completed by finding the Iron Flask, a rare item that serves as a prison for a Spectator. Once you get your hands on this item, you can decide whether you want to fight a Spectator. You can give away the Iron Flask to Zarys, the NPC who sets you on the quest, or open the flask and battle the Spectator.

If you give away the Iron Flask, you will gain an opportunity to unlock even more quests from Zarys. However, if you decide to use the Iron Flask yourself and open it, a Spectator will immediately leap out and a boss battle will begin. It is important to note that the battle will begin immediately and the first thing this Spectator will do after being released is attack anyone it sets eyes on. So, if you intend to take on this enemy, ensure that you and your party are ready for an epic skirmish before opening up the Flask.
Should you engage with the optional Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Beating the optional Spectator can reward you with 100 XP. However, this Spectator does not drop any loot when defeated. If you are up for some hardcore combat experience, battling this beast can prove to be highly rewarding in that regard.
This can prove to be a great practice run for when you have to beat the unavoidable Spectator later in the game. However, if you aren’t fully prepared to take on one of the major bosses in your Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough yet, it is highly advisable to give away the Iron Flask to Zarys. If you chose to go this way, Zarys will reward you with a rare Crossbow when you give her the Flask.

Note: Throwing the Iron Flask away also releases the Spectator as the Flask touches the ground. As the Spectator doesn’t differentiate between your party and the enemies, one of the most creative ways to deal with a prisoned Spectator is throwing the flask when you encounter a large group of enemies. This will release the beast onto your enemies and you can simply wait (at a safe distance) as they battle amongst each other. Once the battle is done, either the Spectator will be dead, killed off by your enemies, or at least its health will be significantly lowered and you can take it on easily.
The second Spectator is found in the Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3. You will encounter this beast when you are searching for Dhourn in order to find out more about the Adamantine Forge. The beast lies on the way to Dhourn and it must be defeated in order to progress in the quest. You will encounter this Spectator when traveling from Whispering Depth Dungeon to the giant pit in Underdark where the beast is located.
How to beat the Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3?
- Watch out for damaging rays
The Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3 features a diverse range of attacks and defensive patterns. It shoots various kinds of rays from his giant eye, which can have a range of dizzying effects. It can paralyze or wound you and your party members as well as use spells that can immobilize them with fear. If any of your teammates are hit with fear or paralysis rays, they will be paralyzed and won’t be playable for a few turns. Furthermore, the Spectator in the Underdark also summons a horde of Drows when attacked, which is another thing you need to be mindful of and prepared for.
- Maintain a distance of more than 20 feet from the beast
One of the most important things to remember while battling the Spectator is maintaining a safe distance. All major attacks of this beast are ranged attacks with a maximum range of 20 feet. The best way to battle it is by keeping a safe distance, moving your party members out of the hit zone, and keeping your party moving. In the first stage of the battle, the Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3 will use Drows as well as Dhourn by charming them to attack you. Once they are shifted alliances, the beast will cast a spell of darkness and it will start attacking you.

- Regain your allies by breaking the charms placed by Spectator
First of all, you need to break the charm placed on Dhourn and Drows by the Spectator. Achieving this will turn them back into your allies, who will help you in defeating the beast. To break the charm, you simply have to attack Dhourn and Drows as soon as they are petrified by the Spectator. However, it’s important to note that they will all turn into your enemies if you attack them twice in a row. You must keep an eye out on these NPCs as the Spectator will petrify them a number of times during the fight. If they are not attacked and turned immediately, you will have to worry about accidentally killing them off or turning them into permanent enemies.
Rewards and loot for beating the Spectator in BG3

After you have successfully defeated the Spectator in the Underdark, you will gain The Spectator Eyes as a reward. The Spectator Eyes is a magical amulet that enabled you to cast spells of its master, such as ray of fear as well as wounding ray. Furthermore, beating this boss will award you with 100 XP (150 Xp in the Tactician difficulty mode).